Are You Process-Oriented or Results-Oriented?

There is no definitive right way to go about building a home business, and there is no one personality or style that guarantees success. The trick is to develop enough self-awareness and understanding in order to make the most of what you do have and find an approach that works best for you as an individual. One key way to look at your approach to business is to figure out whether you are a person and business focused on the “process” or one that is focused on “results.” If you are process-oriented, you are someone who enjoys the details and … Continue reading

WHEW! It’s Benign, Can I Describe My Relief?

My doctor just called, they got the pathology back on the biopsy they performed on the tissue removed when they removed my ovary and fallopian tube. It’s all 100% benign. I feel like a tremendous weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I didn’t realize just how much I was stressing over this until he called. There is a history of uterine cancer in my family and when they said the mass was so bad they had to remove the ovary in its entirety – well, yes I grew afraid. But It’s Benign It’s benign which means it’s not cancer … Continue reading

Week 2: Fitness Magazine You Can Do It Challenge

Fitness magazine said you can do it, and I’ve been doing it. I signed up and dived into the challenge 10 days ago when I posted the information about the challenge here at the Fitness blog. Now at the end of my second week, I’m more than just a cheerleader for this particular goal-oriented fitness challenge. I need to go in and update my data, but my totals for the last two weeks work out to the following: Cardio – 240 minutes Strength Training – 75 minutes Time To Myself – 600 minutes Pounds Lost – 2 pounds How do … Continue reading