Retrace Your Steps

These days I find occasionally I set out to do something and then, by the time I get there, forget what it was I was planning to do. What do I do when this happens? I retrace my steps and go back to the place where I was when I thought of it. Often before I get there, I’ve remembered. It’s good advice for a marriage too to go back and to retrace our steps. This is especially important when things are not working as well as we’d like or are starting to be a bit rocky. Then it’s a … Continue reading

Berry Healthy Fruits

Yesterday my 3-year-old daughter and I spent the day at our local Pick-Your-Own Strawberry Farm. (I plan to detail our adventures in an upcoming Travel blog.) She had an incredible time and we left with six pounds of plump, juicy strawberries. That’s not counting the extra pound my berry-loving tot downed in the field. Forget about covering them with whipped cream or masking them under a mound of ice-cream… my daughter practically swallows them whole. We are fortunate to live 10 miles south of a gigantic strawberry farm and 25 miles east of a fabulous blueberry farm. Perhaps, that’s why … Continue reading