Single Parent Travels: Behavior Rewards

I understand the idea that you shouldn’t bribe your children, and in some cases I can see the reasoning behind it. I do however believe in giving children rewards for certain things, and in this case, it was rewards for good behavior on our trip. One thing I did was go to Wal-mart and the dollar store and bought some small, inexpensive toys and treats to bring with both for in the plane and during our stay. I had enough that he could have had one toy and one special treat every day if that was the reward he chose. … Continue reading

Pamper Yourself Without Breaking the Bank

If you feel like you will break your budget without adding some room for pampering, you are not alone. It is important to allow yourself a little bit of wiggle room. It is important to pamper yourself occasionally. You may want to reward yourself for reaching a savings goal, or just take a short break from paying off all that debt. You may be in a great place financially, but just do not want to spend a lot of money on pampering yourself. Here are three different ways to pamper yourself. 1) If you would like a nice massage, but … Continue reading

Catch Your Kids Being Good

How many times have you heard some parenting expert remark that we should catch our kids being good? How many times have we caught our kids being good but failed to acknowledge their efforts? I admit many times I catch Tyler being good and I don’t say anything. But no more. I’ve discovered that sometimes the simplest gestures mean a lot to young kids. I’ve been having almost nightly struggles with Tyler at bedtime. He plays around for nearly an hour most nights before he finally zonks out. I read recently that an early bedtime is for the benefit of … Continue reading

Positive Reinforcement: Non-material Rewards Are Just As Effective

As parents we often spend many hours attempting to change our kids behavior by a little method known as correcting. This works for many kids but parents should also realize that a better method is the use of positive reinforcement. Positive reinforcement is simply rewarding your child with something desirable after a behavior occurs. In most cases the reward then assures that the behavior will occur again. The reward does not have to be something material or costly, it can be a hug, a special snack, extra time with mom or dad, etc. For many kids, these types of reward … Continue reading

Final Week: 8 Weeks To A Well-behaved Child

Welcome to the final week of 8 Weeks To A Well-behaved Child. I know you are probably still recovering from Christmas (I know I am!) but we’re going to try and move on. Last week we talked about removing rewards and privileges to eliminate serious misbehaviors. We learned that this method is an alternative to time-out and generally grows more important as the child ages. For homework, we were supposed to decide which behaviors would be punished using this method. And to also decide, in advance, which privileges would be removed. How did you do? I actually did better than … Continue reading

8 Weeks To A Well-behaved Child: Week 4

It’s time for week 4 of 8 Weeks To A well-Behaved Child. We’re at the half-way mark and this week we will learn about using reminder praise and increasing compliance with expectations, but first I want to review last week. In week three, using rewards and privileges to strengthen behavior, the assignment was to select a behavior and a reward and to keep a tally of how many times each day we used the reward or privilege to strengthen the behavior. For me this was a tough week. With Thanksgiving and Tyler’s birthday plus the fact that Tyler had school … Continue reading

Week Three: 8 Weeks To A Well-behaved Child

Here we are at week three of 8 Weeks to A Well-Behaved Child. Last week we talked about giving praise and attention. Our assignment for the week was to give praise and attention five times each day. I started the week out doing really well but slipped about mid-week and had to remind myself what I was supposed to be doing. When things get hectic it’s so easy to forget to praise our kids but this kind of encouragement is exactly what they need. During week three we learn how to use rewards and privileges to strengthen behavior. Just like … Continue reading

Prizes for Reading

While standing in line to check out at the library last week, I overheard a little boy say to his mother, “Mom, why don’t they give grown-ups prizes for reading?” Her response was very intelligent. “They give prizes to children to help you learn to like to read,” she told him. “By the time you grow up, hopefully you like to read and so you don’t need prizes anymore.” I remember enrolling in the summer reading programs at our library when I was a child. The more books you read, the bigger the prize you got. I loved to read … Continue reading

Sign up for Survey Sites

BzzAgent Sign up to be a BzzAgent today! This is a cool rewards program where sometimes you are able to sample products — sometimes-new products that aren’t on the market yet, or products that just came out. After sampling the product, you give your opinion about the product, and sometimes you can include what your friends and family thought about the product. You can earn points for each review you write, and cash your points in for cool rewards like gift-cards, apparel, games, movies and more. The rewards change with each BzzCampain, so there are always new rewards to earn. … Continue reading

About Online Survey Sites

While it is true that you are not going to make a ton of money and be able to quit your job by participating in online survey sites, it can be a lot of fun, and very rewarding. The more sites you sign up with, the more surveys you will get, and the more rewards you will receive. Companies are always looking for views and opinions on their products. Sometimes they have an older product they want to improve, or a new product they want consumer’s opinions. In return for your time answering questions and telling them your opinion, they … Continue reading