Getting Into a Rhythm

When I think about life with my home business, it is generally about me getting into a rhythm and falling out of a rhythm! If I am lucky, I can get a few good days out of a steady working rhythm while there are plenty of days where I never quite get in the groove or I get one good hour in before succumbing to interruptions and intrusions! Is there anything a person can do to help to facilitate getting into a steady working rhythm? 1. Know Your Most Productive Time of Day—I have learned that there are times of … Continue reading

The Rhythm Is Gonna Get You…

Has your child got rhythm? Sounds like a strange question. But have you ever contemplated how your child’s sense of rhythm might be affecting every aspect of his life? Ka-thump, ka-thump… Each of us has an internal mechanism in our brain that enables us to use rhythm and timing for nearly all the things we do. When we play sports, type on a keyboard, dance, play an instrument, ride a bike, and engage in conversation, we are using timing. The inner-meter in our brain tells us when to start something and when to stop. We know how to do everything … Continue reading

Music Selections for Better Fitness

Music is a fantastic way to increase your motivation. Music makes your feet bounce and your heart rate naturally increases as you begin to move the beat of the music. The bouncier the music, the better, because if you like classical pieces like I do – the challenging percussion pieces are better for working out than the more sedate strings. So here is a listing of my favorite workout songs: Who Let the Dogs Out? Baha Men Tonight is What It Means to be Young – Streets of Fire Soundtrack The William Tell Overture – London Symphony Orchaestra The Raiders … Continue reading