Stone Soup

Do you know the story of stone soup? In the story, a village is poor and hungry. Gradually each family brings a single item to the soup pot, which is originally only populated by stones. By the end they have a nourishing soup for the whole village. I find myself valuing our community again today. Last week, my daughter learned how to ride a bike. She also added to her extensive bruise and scrape collection. This weekend I got her some knee pads at the garage sale of one of the families at our preschool. Yesterday one of our neighbors … Continue reading

Got Wheels?

Oh dear. It had to happen at some point, but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon. My daughter is riding her two-wheeler bike without training wheels. To me, this is as important a milestone as walking. I remember the freedom that riding a bike gave me as a child. I had wheels, and I was going places. I would wander around the neighborhood, which was actually simply a four-block radius from my house. However, it had a forest, a playground, and some great places for bike jumps. I would race around and only occasionally fall off, speeding back … Continue reading

To Spin or Not to Spin?

Do you spin? I’m not necessarily into spinning. I like bike riding, but I’m not that into spinning. Spinning makes me think of twirling and riding a bike shouldn’t be like twirling – at least not if I am to perform it safely. Spinning is very popular in gyms all over the country and it encourages thousands of people to make use of the gym cycles in an intense workout regimen. Fitness Classes Spinning is all about riding a stationary bike in a controlled atmosphere with an instructor driving you on to music that’s designed to get your heart racing … Continue reading

Dad’s Losing It: Walk the Line

While the gym still seems as though it is light years away from my front door (it has now been about 10 days since my last workout), I have been outside each evening with my gal, braving the unseasonably cold weather, as she rides her new big kid bike. We just bought her a Trek Mystic 16” bicycle with training wheels and she has been taking a daily ride around the block in our small residential neighborhood. The upside for her and I is that we are outside, breathing in the fresh, healthy air and getting some exercise (without it … Continue reading