Marriage Blogger Desperately Seeking Solace

Over in Pets I wrote about how Murphy met the paramedics yesterday when my mom suffered a stroke during breakfast and I had to call 911. I spent all morning in the ER until they admitted my mom to the hospital, and then I stuck around until they got her situated in a room. Except for when I left for two hours from 4:15 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. to finally get some food (I hadn’t eaten all day) and to feed the fur kids and walk Murph, I was in the hospital from nine to nine. Wayne didn’t have time … Continue reading

Too Much Pressure to do Everything Right

I know firsthand how important organization and a sense of control can be to a single parent. So much of our lives may have felt (or does feel) out of control. There are so many elements to manage and we might even feel like we have something to prove (to whom I often wonder?) All that said we can be succumbing to too much pressure to do everything right and get everything just so… First of all, I think we need to ask ourselves what is really going on? What is driving us to try to be so perfect and … Continue reading