Do You or Your Spouse Lose Your Temper Easily? Try Role-playing

The question is a fair one and sadly, I can say that once upon a time – I did lose my temper easily. It could make conversations and arguments with my husband pretty intense. But there’s a trick to coping with a sudden flare of temper, especially when you’re married. Too often, we let resentment build up inside us and when we do finally fill that cup to the brim, we bubble over with temper that is really not directed at the unfortunate person who is receiving the anger – but rather at all the little incidences that have lead … Continue reading

Who Was That Masked Man?

The following entry contains some suggestive material, please do not be offended. It is offered as a way to help develop a deeper intimacy with your spouse. Do you have fantasies? We all do. Sometimes it can be difficult to share fantasies out loud. Surprisingly, it can be hard to share our intimate fantasies with our spouses. Our spouse may find it difficult to express their fantasies with us. Even in the most open relationships where communication is strong, it can be hard for a husband and wife to discuss fantasies they may have for fear of offending the other. … Continue reading

Teaching Your Child How to Protect Themselves

Many parents, including myself, worry about what their child would do if they were confronted by an attacker, kidnapper, etc. To ease your worst fears, I have some advice and tips for you that you and your child can do together. I practice this often with my 6-year-old daughter, Samantha, and she enjoys it. It also eases her fears if she were confronted by someone that could hurt her. I use some of what I learned in Tae Kwon Do lessons, and some of the street smarts my fiancé learned growing up in a large city. This is my role … Continue reading