Dear Heather…Can you be frugal & still get a good workout?

Dear Heather, Maybe I should have sent this to the frugal blog, but I had a question about being frugal and being fit at the same time. The simple fact is I don’t have a lot of extra money. I have three kids and I’m a single parent. My ex helps me out with child support, but I use that money to take care of the kids and keep extra in the bank if they need something. I try to limit my spending to necessities only with the occasional splurge here and there. A couple of years ago, I tried … Continue reading

Blog 2000 & Roller Skating: Check It Out!

This is my 2000th article posted here at I started with the first batch of bloggers back in 2005. Fitness was my primary blog and I’ve since taken on Marriage and Baby, but my first love – fitness, remains. I thought about doing a retrospective here for my 2000th blog, but instead, I wanted to talk about a new passion that I’ve got and spend some more time exploring it. So I hope you’ll join me here for my 2000th blog and Roller Skating. The Fun Way To Get Exercise As many of my regular readers may know, I’ve … Continue reading

The Fitness Blog Week in Revew for Jan 20 – 26

What a week it’s been. I battled a cold for three days of it with a relatively high fever that kept me laid up and not performing at my peak. It was also a week that my daughter explored her interest in Hoops for Hearts, we went roller skating and I discovered that while I still remember how, mentally, physically, my body is complaining about the motions and the skating. Still, I have to say that overall – it’s been a great week. This is also our last week in review for the month of January. Check back here in … Continue reading

“Mom, You Need To Work Out More!”

Yes, you heard it. This is the sage advice of my six-year-old following our afternoon practice on the roller skates. It’s amazing how much changes since we were kids. Friends of ours gave our daughter roller skates for Christmas and my mother, in turn, gave me a pair of roller skates so that I could take my daughter roller skating. It’s a Lot Like Riding a Bike Roller skating is a lot like riding a bike, you remember how to balance and control yourself. You remember how to turn. You remember how to stop. Remembering how to stop is really … Continue reading