Marriage in the News: Eloping Again, 60 Years Later

In 1947, a young woman named working at the Phoenix Theater in Arizona dropped six bags of popcorn when a man named Tom Abbot walked in the front door. Though she already had a boyfriend, she knew she loved Tom a great deal. Three months after they started dating, they eloped to another town so that her mother wouldn’t see the marriage license in the newspaper. 60 Years Later 60 years later, they celebrated their anniversary by returning to the courthouse they eloped to and renewing their vows. Considering the fact that she was 17 and he was 20 in … Continue reading

What Does Romance Mean to You?

What is your idea of romance? Does it mean passion or sensuousness or do you think of it more in terms of thoughtful expressions of love? Some people relate romance to sexual experiences, like the torrid, swept away relationships described in dime store romance novels. That isn’t my idea of romance. For me, romance means thoughtfulness. It is the way we show each other the depths of our love and passion by showing how well we know the other person and doing special things for one another that no one else would think to do. It is personal gestures, not … Continue reading

Memorable Moments: Romance in the Air

Do you like to reminisce with your spouse about those special moments the two of you have shared together? Heather shared some of her “Hidden Treasure” moments, and I’m going to share my favorite romantic moment. We hope you will tell us about some of your best moments and take some time to relive them with your spouses. One of the most romantic moments my husband and I shared was on the way home from a date. It really wasn’t much of a date, because I ended up working later than planned. He’d met me there so we could go … Continue reading

Planning Romance

Wouldn’t it be nice if romance could always just be a spontaneous thing? That caught up in the moment, swept off your feet feeling of being lost in each other’s eyes is a powerful thing. Unfortunately, life sometimes intrudes on our love lives and leaves us little room for spontaneity. That’s okay. There is nothing wrong with planning for romance when you can’t be spontaneous. In fact, sometimes planning is the key to success. While winging it can be fun it can also sometimes result in chaos or worse, hurt feelings. If you attempt to surprise your spouse too much, … Continue reading

Not Feeling Romantic? Get in the Mood

Maybe you’re thinking that all this fuss about romance lately, really isn’t for you. To put it bluntly, you’re just not in the mood to be romantic. There is too much going on, you’re stressed, and you can’t just put everything aside to concentrate on Valentine’s Day or to come up with romantic gestures. Try some natural mood enhancers. They won’t make problems go away, but they may help you face things in better spirits or give you enough of a pick-me-up to give your romance a recharge. Don’t Forget the Fish Studies show that eating fish, especially those with … Continue reading

5 More Romantic Ideas for Valentine’s Day

Here are five more really creative and romantic ideas for your sweetheart. With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I thought I would share some great Frugal Valentine’s Day ideas. These are mostly just some ways to show your partner that you love them creatively and inexpensively. Idea #1 This isn’t exactly cheap and really only works on a birthday or a holiday, but if you substitute the roses, with daisies or carnations (or any other flower) it is certainly less expensive and still equally as romantic! Ask your partner to meet you at a slightly crowded public place (the … Continue reading

What Do You Have in Mind for Valentine’s Day?

Do you imagine a perfectly romantic scenario when you think about Valentine’s Day? Does your spouse have any idea what your thoughts are about this special date? For many people it is a time to reflect on love and enjoy romance, but for others it can end in disappointment. The number one reason for the latter is not letting the other person know how you would like to celebrate. In a perfect world, every spouse would automatically know the desires of a mate’s heart, and sweep us off our feet with innumerable romantic details. It would be nice, but it’s … Continue reading

5 Romantic Ideas for a Frugal Valentine’s Day

With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, I thought it would be a nice touch to add some romantic ideas for that special day. These are mostly ways to show your partner that you love them. However, keeping with my constant frugality, I have only included ten extremely inexpensive or cheap ideas. Idea #1 Fill the car trunk with helium filled with balloons. Tape a piece of poster board to the inside of the trunk lid that says “I love you” in huge letters. When you are at a park or trail to walk, hand your partner the keys and … Continue reading

Inexpensive Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Often dubbed the most romantic day in the year, Valentine’s Day is a time for love. Remember, just because you aren’t married, or do not have a boyfriend or girlfriend, does not necessarily mean that you can not have a Valentine and celebrate this special day. In fact, your children, your friends, anyone can qualify to be your Valentine. It’s about loving someone, not necessarily being “in love” with someone. And Valentine’s Day is a day to recognize that connection and spend some quality time together. Stroll In The Park Sometimes, it is … Continue reading

Romantic Poems for Your Scrapbook Pages

Journaling can be easy when you include a poem. Sometimes a poem evokes feelings you couldn’t otherwise express verbally and can really make the whole scrapbook layout come together. With Valentine’s Day coming up, the day involving love, I figured it would be a great time to share some amazing poems with you. The following poems were voted on by over 50 scrapbookers and were voted the top poems to use on scrapbook pages. Remember, you don’t just have to use these on layouts involving Valentine’s Day. You can also use them on layouts on themes such as anniversary, wedding … Continue reading