When People Make Assumptions and Say Rude Comments in Public

Dealing with rude comments and people’s assumptions is one of those life realities that has a tendency to catch us off guard. No matter how many times you have been on the receiving end of an inappropriate comment, I don’t know if we ever get used to it. Surely, it is not just single parents who have to wrestle with this problem but I do think we get more than our fair share. What can we do when we are on the receiving end and what can we do to make sure we are not the ones making rude or … Continue reading

Are You Technically Rude?

With all of the great new surges in technology we are experiencing, lately, it seems that poor old Emily Post is having a hard time keeping up. That is, there is often an entire collective phenomena of “unconscious rudeness” that happens several times a day, every day. Take this morning for example. I went for a lovely walk outdoors. It was serene and peaceful; very zen. That is until someone who was walking a few feet behind me decided to make a cell phone call. I got to hear all about this person’s life; how she suspected her husband of … Continue reading

Forgiving Those Who’ve Hurt Us

There are people in this world who cause great emotional destruction to others, and then dance proudly in the ashes. My life has taught me this. Forgiveness can be an arduous personal journey. When we have a child with a disability, people can be terribly insensitive. Sometimes they make ridiculous or cruel comments, either on purpose or just because they are ill-equipped to handle the situation emotionally. Perhaps they’re just uneducated and inexperienced. Sometimes good friends or family members fade into the background, suddenly becoming “too busy” to maintain a meaningful relationship. Perhaps they blame us for our child’s difficult … Continue reading