Fitness Week in Review: November 11-17, 2008

We are 10 days away from the holiday gluttons most adore—-Thanksgiving. If you plan to pig out on Turkey Day, you might consider perusing the following FITNESS blogs. Whether you choose to burn off holiday calories by taking an extra long run or you want to learn how to curb your addiction to chocolate we’ve got you covered: November 11th—–Running: It’s All About the Shoes. Before you set out to shed pounds via running it is imperative that you purchase the right shoes. This blog provides helpful tips on what you should look for in proper-fitting running shoe. November 12th—–Running: … Continue reading

Running: It’s All About the Shoes–Part 2

Now that you’ve determined that you need a new pair of running shoes (the forefoot is shifted medially and laterally or you’re always suffering injury) and you’ve found the best place to shop, consider the following tips to get the right fit: Work the Shoe. Experts recommend that you leave a finger’s width between your longest toe and the end of the shoe. Meaning each shoe you try on should have an index finger’s width between your longest toe and the end of the toe box. Once you get the shoe on don’t be afraid to move around in it. … Continue reading

Running: It’s All About the Shoes

It is for me anyway. I am a severe overpronator and I sustained a nasty injury as a result of not wearing proper shoes when training for my first marathon. That was nearly a decade ago and since then I have spent countless hours researching running and other sport specific footwear. If you are just getting started in a specific sport and are shopping for shoes I would suggest the following: Find a Reputable Specialty Shoe Store. With all due respect to discount retailers, if you want a quality pair of running shoes you need to shop at a store … Continue reading

Six On Sunday – 6 Tips to Improving Your Daily Options for Fitness

It’s time for our six on Sunday and it’s a list of six tips to help you improve your daily options for fitness whether you are work out of the office or out of the home. The following six tips are designed to be useful for finding more ways to fit your exercise into a busy daily life. While they will not substitute for regular exercise, they can help you achieve your overall fitness goals. Keep a pair of running shoes or walking shoes in your car at all time. That way you can put them on whenever you are … Continue reading

Fitness Technology

There’s a new sheriff in town and it’s been rolled out in a joint effort from Nike and Apple. You may or may not have heard of the new iPod fitness program, but this is a new Nike+iPod sport kit that will coming soon to stores near you. It’s futuristic in the sense that your Nike footwear will be able to talk wirelessly with your iPod nano to report your workout data. How does that work? Basically the sensor inside the Nike+iPod Sport Kit will be inserted into the Nike+ footwear. The in shoe sensors will then record and transmit … Continue reading

Triathlon or Bust 3: Running Shoes

Triathlon or Bust 3: Running Shoes By far, the hardest thing for me to complete in the triathlon will be the running part (see my blog here). For sure I can finish the bike portion of the race, because I regularly ride the 16 miles without a problem, albeit not at a race pace. I can’t go the full half-mile swimming distance without stopping, but I’m semi-confident I can get there. But the running–as I start this quest, I’m pretty sure that I can’t run even a mile, or half a mile, let alone three. When I’ve tried to run … Continue reading