Confessions of a Completely Insane Mother – Kersten Campbell

I recently read “Confessions of a Completely Insane Mother by Kersten Campbell. Kersten is the mother of five and a convert to the church. This book is a collection of essays of her reflections on motherhood and the church. As Kersten says in her introduction she has “seasoned each story with a generous helping of hyperbole.” The result is a great bunch of essays that had me laughing out loud. I read this book over Easter weekend when I was spending time with family. It’s a great book to read in busy situations or when you need a quick pick … Continue reading

Family Home Evening: Troubleshoot Your Problems

Family home evening and family council are designed to help you bring more focus in your family life. At times it may feel like you are just going through the motions to meet each week as a family with family home evening or that your family council meetings are not as effective as you would like them to be. It is important to make the most of the time that you have together as a family. If you feel that your family home evenings are not effective ask yourself these five questions, and you will likely find yourself back on … Continue reading

Primary Time: Missionary Work

Sharing the gospel with others is an important part of the teachings of the church. As we do this we are not force our beliefs on others, but rather open the door for them to ask questions and to learn as much as they feel comfortable learning. Primary children can also participate in inviting friends and loved ones to learn more about the church. You can have your children invite friends to participate in family home evenings and family activity nights. One great way to do this is to invite the entire family to participate not just the friend. This … Continue reading

Sharing the Concept of Preparedness with Others

Preparedness is a concept that we have been taught over and over. Many people outside of our church often regard our preparedness concepts one of those strange things that Mormons do. However, I have found that the times that this is great way to have a discussion and help people around us. I have been approached, by more than one person who knew I was a member, and asked about the concept of preparedness and food storage. Many people embrace this concept as they see how it can benefit them in their lives. One example is the way that the … Continue reading

Relief Society: BYU’s Women’s Conference

Every year at the beginning of May BYU puts on a Women’s Conference. It is a short two-day conference that takes place on campus. This year the conference is April 20 and May 1, 2009. Additionally there are service projects that you can participate in while you attend the conference. This year the projects will be set up in rooms where you can also watch different class presentations while you serve. This conference has many presentations that focus on living the gospel and helping your family. The presentations are always uplifting and may offer spiritual insight into doctrine or they … Continue reading

Making Faith Your Focus

In these difficult times it is especially hard to let go of your worries and put your trust in the Lord. One of the most difficult things to do is to let go of the worries that assail us as we deal with difficult circumstances and personal trials. Instead of putting our trust in the Lord, and knowing that he will go with us through our trials, we often fight against the situation and end up feeling alone and scared. In his talk in Sunday morning session of April 2009 General Conference, President Thomas S Monson spoke about people who … Continue reading

General Conference Recap

General Conference was this past weekend. It was wonderful to be able to hear the words of President Monson and the other apostles for so many sessions this weekend. The talks were wonderful and very uplifting. Many spoke poignantly about the troublesome times that we are facing around the world. The ultimate message was one of hope and faith. President Monson spoke about having faith during difficult times. He shared three stories of people who faced enormous trials, but were able to persevere because of the strength of their faith. The line that stood out to me from that talk … Continue reading

Stop Your Prayers from Becoming Routine

All too often I allow my prayers to become routine. My concerns seem to be the same over periods of time, and I find myself asking for the same things, and giving thanks for the same things. When my prayers become routine like this, I worry that they are not as effective as they should be. Here are some things I do to try and improve my personal prayers. I often pray silently, especially when I am not alone. If I find that my prayers are routine then I make sure that I find a good place where I am … Continue reading

Young Women: Reaching Out to Everyone

There may be a young woman or two that have a hard time fitting in with the other young women. There are many reasons that this could happen. She could be extremely shy and have a difficult time making friends. She may not feel comfortable around the other girls because her interests are very different from the other girls. She may just have a hard time relating to people in general. When this happens it is important to continue to reach out to the girl and welcome her into the group. First it is important to open the line of … Continue reading

Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers – Maria Covey Cole

Contentment: Inspiring Insights for LDS Mothers by Maria Covey Cole is book written to help mothers who are struggling to find peace and happiness in their roles as mothers. Maria Covey Cole is the mother of five children and a homemaker. She speaks from experience. This book covered six different concepts or steps that every mother needs to master in order to find true contemned in her role as a mother. These concepts cover everything from trusting the Lord and gaining an eternal perspective to learning to be content in your current situation and learning to accept the Grace of … Continue reading