Giving Thanks for Safe Travel

I think it is safe to assume that when most of us get behind the wheel of our vehicles we wholly expect that we will get to our final destination in one piece. In fact, many of us are probably so busy either trying to dodge traffic so we make it to said destination on time or are completely distracted by the ten million other mental notes we are formulating in our minds that the thought of NOT getting to work, school, the supermarket or the pediatrician never occurs to us. Bottom line: Safe travel is something many of us … Continue reading

Are You A Superstitious Traveler?

Do you allow your fear of the numbers 13 and 666, black cats, and broken mirrors influence your travel plans? If you answered yes, you’re not alone. Recently, workers at Brussels Airlines learned just how many of their customers hold tightly to their “irrational” beliefs. In November the airline, which features a 13-ball logo in the shape of the letter “b” on the tail of its aircrafts, announced it would expand its service throughout Europe and North America. According to the company, a short time later it was flooded with complaints from superstitious customers in the United States and Italy. … Continue reading