Summer Heat: Remember to Take Care

Summer is almost here and with summer comes the heat, the sun and the outdoor activities. Many of us enjoy being outdoors in the summer time whether we are traveling, working on our gardens, riding our bikes or swimming. Whatever it is you enjoy about summer, it’s the freedom to be outside and getting active. I love summer for those reasons, but there are precautions that you need to take where summer is concerned. Precautions The summer heat is wonderful, but heat means sweat and sweat means dehydration. You need to remember to hydrate on the best of days, but … Continue reading

Dad’s Parenting Affects Your Child’s Weight

This is interesting. A friend of mine sent me an update in the mail over the weekend and it detailed a recent study that was to be presented to the Pediatric Academic Societies in Toronto. According to the study that included 5,000 children, in the 4 to 5 year old age range and their parents found that Dad’s parenting style presented a major influence on their children’s weight. The Daddy Game It seems that researchers discovered that permissive fathers (those who offered no limits to their children) or disengaged fathers who were not involved with their children were more likely … Continue reading