Once Saved Always Saved?

The question of whether or not it’s possible to lose one’s salvation has been around a long time. I’ve leaned toward the side that agrees it is possible. I really don’t know for sure though. Perhaps some of you can help me out here. So here’s a question for you: Do we still have our own free will after we turn our lives over to Christ? In other words, if we are saved, do we then have the choice to commit sin of any kind and still get to spend eternity with Jesus Christ when we die? I really believe … Continue reading

God’s Plan of Salvation

Christians have the most important job and opportunity on earth: to share the gospel and God’s plan of salvation with others. I think it is important for Christians to be prepared to talk to friends and family about salvation and heaven. God’s plan of salvation is simple. It is not hard to follow or to understand. There are five basic steps one must follow to become a Christian: Hear, Believe, Repent, Confess, and Be Baptized. Hear First one must hear the Word of God. One must realize that he has sin in his life and that sin separates him from … Continue reading

Suicide and the Gospel

This is a very touchy and serious subject. I was researching something for another blog and came across an article by Elder M. Russell Ballard which clarified some things I thought were worth sharing. Suicide is a horrifying thing. Not only has the victim ended his or her life so abruptly, the enormous amount of pain felt by family and friends scars them for a lifetime. For those outside of the church it is frightening, confusing and excruciatingly sorrowful. For those inside The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints comes the added burden of knowing the outcome of a … Continue reading