Frugal Easter Fun

I had complete sticker shock when I added up the cost all of the Easter basket goodies and fixings for three children who still believe in the Easter bunny. Since we live in an affluent area, I knew there might be a little comparing of treats when school started back the next day. Still, we have to watch the budget. Here are some ways to be frugal but still have fun for Easter. The True Meaning It goes without saying that we, especially kids, should be aware of the true meaning of Easter. Focus more on the reason behind the … Continue reading

Inexpensive Bathroom Cleaners and Tools

How can you get your bathroom clean without spending a fortune on harsh chemicals that don’t do much anyway? Here are my best picks for bathroom cleaners, based on value and effectiveness. Comet Comet cleanser has been around since, well, I don’t know when. But I do remember my mother using it all of the time. A can of this cleanser is less than a dollar. It contains a little but of bleach and is great for cleaning up stains on tile, including water stains and mildew. Toothbrush An old toothbrush is my favorite tool for bathroom cleaning. You can … Continue reading

Money Sabotage

Sometimes the things we tell ourselves lead to bad decision and financial trouble. Here is how to avoid common pitfalls. Everyone is Doing It The idea that everyone owns a large home, sends their children to an expensive summer camp, goes on an expensive vacation every year and owns all of the latest electronic gadgets is a way to rationalize needing these things for yourself. But if you take money out of savings to pay for some of these things or go into debt for them, you may also find yourself bankrupt, as “everyone” seems to be these days. Decide … Continue reading

The Money Saving Benefits of Spring Cleaning

With the exception of Kate from Jon & Kate Plus Eight and the British ladies on “How Clean is Your House,” I’ve never seen anyone who really enjoys cleaning. Maybe I am watching too much reality television and not getting out enough, but tell me, do you like to do heavy cleaning? If you are like me and need some extra motivation, here it is. There are actually money saving benefits from spring cleaning. I’m serious. Here they are. The obvious benefit is by doing a good spring cleaning, you are eliminating a lot of allergens that might otherwise go … Continue reading

Tips for Using Less Laundry Detergent

Let’s save some money on laundry this month! Here are my favorite tips for being frugal and spending less while getting your laundry clean. Let’s start with using less detergent. You have heard me say it before. You can cut back on the amount of laundry detergent you use but still get the clothes nice and clean. While this is true, there are some tips and techniques that improve your results when cutting down on your detergent. Skip the cheap detergent, because you may wind up washing your clothes more than once to get them clean, or having to replace … Continue reading

Save Money on Summer Camp 2

Is the looming registration of summer camp making your nervous about how you will actually be able to pay for it? Summer camp can be a great experience, but it can also cost quite a bit of money. I once interviewed a family that was spending $1,500 a week on summer camp. Less expensive camps can still put a bite in the budget. That is why I decided to give you even more ideas for saving money on summer camp. Skip the standard program Choose a day camp close to home instead of an overnight camp for the most affordability. … Continue reading

Save Money on Summer Camp

Summer Camp? Didn’t we just make it to spring? while it is true that the calendar still says March, summer camp season is in full spring, well as it relates to registration, that is. Summer camps are now taking registration for their programs. If you want to be able to provide summer camp for your child but not pay a lot, then read the following post. I’ll share some ways to get the most for your money and cut your summer camp expenses while still providing a great experience for your child. Look into early registration. The earlier the spots … Continue reading

The Brady Bunch Guide to Saving Money

It seems as though everyone is talking about the new memoir book that has come out by Maureen McCormick in which she tells everyone her life story, including how she survived being Marsha Brady. I haven’t read the book myself, but I hear that she had a very difficult life, including having to overcome a drug addiction. For a while, the Brady Bunch was America’s favorite family. The basically good kids got in to just enough trouble to give mom and dad something to do. There were always good lessons to learn in each episode. I started thinking about this … Continue reading

Outgrown Sales Report

Do you like going to outgrown sales? Also called clothing turnabouts, they are a great way to provide clothes and toys for your children for very little money. Today I spent about $50 for three overlarge bags of clothing for my three children. Each item was between 50 cents and $2. If you have never been to an outgrown clothing sale, you might feel a bit overwhelmed at first. The largest ones have clothing and toys everywhere to sort through, although usually they are separated in different room. Clothing is usually placed by gender and size, and they all have … Continue reading

Save Money While Spring Cleaning: Use What You Have

As you might have seen from my blog post in the Home Blog, I am ready to start our spring cleaning. The weather may not exactly be cooperating, but hey, there are still some things that I can get done. One of the great ways to save on spring cleaning is to use what you already have, or at the very least, what you can obtain for little money. Makes sense, or should I say cents? Right? Forget wasting those expensive paper towels and store bought cleaners. Look around your home and see what will work well to clean and … Continue reading