Pouring Money Out the Door

I am the morning person in the family. I wake up before everyone else, so I can get the household started. I get out of bed, make lunches, lay out clothing, unload the dishwasher, do some light cleaning, do some freelance writing and wake everyone else up, all before taking a shower. My husband, on the other hand is a night owl. He tends to stay up late paying bills, taking out the recycling and doing small handyman projects before bed. It is not unusual for me to pad downstairs in the morning to find things little things that he … Continue reading

Energy Hogs: Where Does Most of Your Electricity Go?

Is it really important to shut that night light off when the real energy hog in your bedroom is running along happily chewing up your electricity dollars as you sleep? If you know what appliances in your house use up the most electricity, you can concentrate on reducing their energy usage as much as possible. This way you will reap the biggest savings on your monthly expenses. Although energy usage may vary slightly depending on the brands and models of your appliances, you can certainly use my guidelines to determine what in your home is eating up the most electricity. … Continue reading