Where Is My Perfect Job?

I am a member of another forum specifically set up for work-at-home moms, and a lady came onto the forum asking for help. She had just attended one of those seminars where they advertise the event as being some great happening, that it will really change your life, blah blah, and then when you get there, you find out it’s just a pyramid scheme that requires a whole lot of selling and a whole lot of money to make it work. She came onto the forum upset because she felt like she had been lied to (which she had been) … Continue reading

The Job/Employment Blog Week in Review for Jan 13-19

Hello, and welcome to the Week in Review for January 13 – 19. This is our way of catching you up on any blogs you may have missed in the past week! We will be bringing on a new blogger to the Jobs blog on February 1st, Cami Reardon, and we’re really excited for her to bring her unique perspective and ideas to our blog. In the meanwhile, here’s a review of the happenings on the Jobs blog–if you have any feedback or comments, feel free to either leave a comment below or get in touch with me! Thanks for … Continue reading

Sweepstakes Scams

Yesterday I talked about how to enter sweepstakes as a job. Today, I wanted to talk about how to avoid being scammed in this newfound hobby. Unfortunately, whenever there is money to be made, there are scammers trying to to get their piece of the pie without having to earn it. Since I sincerely doubt we will ever be able to rid the world of scammers no matter how hard the police work, it behooves all of us to become familiar with how they work. The sweepstakes scam is one of the oldest one out there, and definitely one of … Continue reading

Data Entry Scams

Data entry is one of the most prevalent job openings on the Internet. Every job board you go to has got ten, twenty, thirty job openings for data entry, sometimes even more. I have bad news: I am willing to bet dollars to donuts that 99.99% of these jobs are scams. Makes ya want to sit down and just cry, I know. The way the data entry scam works is you read an ad saying that this company is hiring typists, you can make really good money for almost nothing, and all you have to do to get the info … Continue reading

Why are Data Entry Jobs so Scarce?

In this blog, I covered the typical data entry scam, and in this one, I covered the only true data entry company I know of on the Internet. But all of this begs the question: Why are data entry jobs so scarce? It seems like a real job. It seems like it would be pretty easy to do. Why is there such a dearth of legitimate data entry companies? Well, you have to look at what data entry truly is. When someone is a typist, they are taking information that is in another form and putting it into a Word … Continue reading

The Hype!

You see the ads all over: *Make $1000 your first week! *Don’t miss out on vacations, cars and financial freedom. *Never “work” again! *Make tons of money, no selling! You go to the website to find out more and all you find are words, pictures of people on vacation, in front of a dream home, on a beach, more words, a few quotes from those who made it rich in one week; all painting a picture of living the life of luxury without having to lift a finger! The only way to find out more is to fill out a … Continue reading

Scams (Identifying email scams)

You will find a ton of information on avoiding scams all over the internet, yet people fall for them all the time. I wanted to share some tips that will help you identify a scam. In reality, a scam is usually pretty obvious. It looks like a great opportunity that you can’t believe you have actually come across something this great! However, there is always a little something that tugs at your conscious like paying for information, giving them money for a background check, or cashing a check and transferring funds. EMAIL JOB OFFERS SCENARIO 1: You get an email … Continue reading

Don’t Lose Money on Your Tax Refund

The approaching new year means that it is time to begin thinking about filing taxes. You have seen the advertisements for the tax preparation places that offer to not only prepare your taxes, but also actually will give you your refund a lot faster than waiting for your refund from the IRS. It is important to realize that you are actually taking out a loan against your return, and you are paying high fees and interest rates in order to receive the money sooner. Unless you are in dire need of the money (they are about to foreclose on your … Continue reading

Ground Rules for Working from Home: Part Three

This is part three of my week long series about the ground rules of working from home. If you missed the previous blogs, check out part one and part two. Otherwise, read on! You have to chant “If it’s too good to be true, than it is” 7 times a day. Okay, so you don’t actually have to chant that 7 times a day, but writing this phrase on your forehead might be helpful. I’m sure that if someone had the time and inclination to do the math, the ratio of true work-at-home jobs to scams would be astronomically out … Continue reading

The Holy Grail of Jobs: Working from Home

Working from home seems to be the Holy Grail of jobs. Who doesn’t want to work from home? The jobs are advertised everywhere: On TV, in magazines, and all over the Internet. In almost all of the ads, very little work is ever shown as being done (I still haven’t found a job that I can do while having a two year old sit on my lap, despite the photo shots in these ads to the contrary) and flashy red sports cars seem to be much more important to the people running these ads than the time spent in front … Continue reading