Can We Get on the Same Time Clock, Please?

The more actual bodies that a household and family has, the tougher it is to get everyone on the same page–not to mention the same time clock! You might have thought it was hard enough when you were dating or first settling in with a partner or spouse (if you’ve got one)–adjusting to the other person’s style, mood, energy level, housekeeping standards, etc. Fast forward a few years and throw in a few children–and you’ve likely got individuals who are all headed in different directions and operating on very different time clocks. Now, while I don’t have a spouse or … Continue reading

Wives Who Work From Home – Schedules, Spouses & Stop Signs

As we continue our series on wives who work from home we’re addressing another issue that was brought up in the comments. How do we keep our spouses from steamrolling the schedules we make for ourselves? Spontaneity is a great thing, but if you set a schedule, make appointments and have deadlines, there is nothing more frustrating than your spouse blithely turn your schedule upside down because they made appointments or decided to take the day off and want you to go somewhere with them. Put Up the Stop Signs First and foremost, assume that your spouse has no idea … Continue reading

Setting a Schedule and Sticking to It: Part Two

If you missed Part One of “Setting a Schedule and Sticking to It” please check it out here. Otherwise, read on! Once you have a rough idea of how many hours you need to work, and what days of the week you are going to put those hours in, you can get down to the nitty-gritty. Here are some ideas of questions you need to ask yourself when setting up a daily schedule: Are you an early bird? Or a night owl? I have fought against my natural body instincts enough to tell you that it’s a losing battle. I … Continue reading

Holidays and Family Schedules

Wow! There is so much to do, not only to get ready for various holidays, but also the various events throughout the holiday season. There are informal get-togethers with friends and colleagues, community events, school plays, pageants, and more! It can be enough to run even the most organized family ragged, trying to squeeze everything in. That’s why planning is essential. Writing everything down, complete with dates and times, will help you get a much better grasp of the situation. You’ll be able to easily see where conflicts in scheduling may arise, in advance, so you can plan and rearrange … Continue reading

Creating a Homeschool Schedule

Sometimes it seems that just because we are Homeschoolers we don’t need to keep schedules, after all we are homeschooling and allowing our children to lead their education-right? Well, not necessarily. It is very important to maintain a sense of order while homeschooling. One of the best ways to accomplish this is by creating a homeschooling schedule. By having the children wake up, eat breakfast, and attend classes in an orderly manner you are not only making your life simpler and easier, you are also preparing them for success in the outside world and with their future activities. Although you … Continue reading

The “Easy” Life of a Writer

You know; the writing process is not an easy thing. I’ve heard people say, “Wow, you’ve got the easiest job ever.” I have to laugh, because that is far more socially acceptable than smacking them in the face. Let me give you a rundown of my average day: 4:30 a.m. – Wake up, stumble to the computer and sit there yawning while the thing boots up. Open WordPerfect and write daily blogs for 5:30 a.m. – Blogs must be finished and work must begin on current books, two of which are currently in the works with one having a … Continue reading