Celebrating Christmas at School

Schools have different ways of doing different things. While all schools in my county have a different point of view on many topics, teachers also carry out things differently within a school. There are some issues that schools have to make decisions about based upon the ideas and beliefs of the parents and students as a whole. There are some things that possibly cannot please or meet the values and beliefs of all of the families in the school. Holiday celebration is one of those things. Most families in one area have the same basic ideas about holiday celebrations. However, … Continue reading

Santa Shop at School

Some schools have many different activities and events for students while other schools only carry out the minimum. I would have to say that my school is average in having activities for the students. We have Christmas programs, music programs, sporting events, and more. Some schools are very creative with the things that they plan. For a while I had though that my school had invented a new idea. Each year at Christmas time, this week this year, my school hosts a Santa Shop. In previous years the shop was hosted by the school. This year it is hosted by … Continue reading

Is Your Child Involved in Too Many Activities?

Children are involved in all types of after school activities. There are sports teams, clubs, music lessons, and more. It is not uncommon for children to have practice or a ballgame almost every night of the week. Parents are very busy running from here to there to get each child to a different activity. At some point in time we must stop and ask ourselves if it is possible that our children are too busy. Are they too involved in too many activities? Many times it is hard to decide if the children enjoy the activities that they are involved … Continue reading

Who sells white pants for boys???? At this hour???!!!

This week, my oldest was part of her elementary school’s annual dance festival. Each grade was given lots of lessons from dance instructors funded by a special state grant. The children did dances from several places around the world. Our girl was learning a dance from Africa, and a song called “The Traveling Song.” We’d catch her practicing the dance steps, but she would not tell us too much about it, wanting to show all the moves off at the festival. A few days before the event, we received a notice that the children should be wearing white pants. Each … Continue reading