The Truth about School Bus Drivers

In my previous article I discussed the importance of school support staff. I also talked about how these people were often misunderstood or not given the credit that they deserve. My previous article addressed educational assistants and custodians. In this article I will continue to address the support staff that help to make a school successful. Many think that school bus drivers do little work. They take the children to school and come pick them up in the afternoon to take them home. This is true. However it takes much more than being able to drive a bus to be … Continue reading

Top Ten Tips: School Bus Safety

School buses can be a source of danger. While our kids are generally safe and ride to and from school day in and day out without incident, there are dangers. One of the most concerning elements is the fact that school buses are not required to be equipped with seatbelts in most areas (despite seatbelt laws in regular vehicles). Children can move great distances if hard breaking occurs and they can become injured. Kids 1. Instruct your child to always remain seated while the bus is moving, facing forward and sitting in the seat correctly. 2. If your children are … Continue reading