Healthy Back-to-School Snacks Your Kids Will Actually Eat

If you are a health-conscious parent, then you face a daunting task this time of year. You could go all natural and fill your children’s lunch boxes exclusively with fresh fruits, vegetables and nuts, but the likelihood that they would happily devour the healthy goods you packed for them is slim. Your other options include making your own tasty and nutritious snacks or packing “healthier” store-bought options, like the ones listed below: Snikiddy Chocolate Chippers Cookies: The sweet treats contain less sugar than other cookies on the market. They also come in portion-controlled packets, and kids who tested them high … Continue reading

A Recipe for Healthy School Snacks

We are a brown bag family. When it comes to school lunches, we prefer to send our schol-age child with a homemade lunch, and he prefers that, too. Our reasons for providing him with a home made lunch are: it is less expensive, I can better control the nutrition and steer away from colors and preservatives, there is a short amount of time to eat lunch and he doesn’t want to spend part of it waiting in line, and he is always hungry after a school lunch–complaining that there is not enough food. A typical lunch brought from home may … Continue reading