Let There Be Light

I can see it, smell it, and almost touch it. It’s the light at the end of the tunnel. And by tunnel I mean my daughter’s school year. In two weeks I will enjoy a treasured reprieve from the worst mom job ever—packing school lunches. I abhor the near daily ritual, which hurts my brain, as much as it does my wallet. I’ve endured this penitent practice for nearly three years and I still haven’t figured out what I can pack that my now 8-year-old won’t toss into the school’s 80-gallon garbage barrel. Aside from the torment of devising a … Continue reading

Reasons I am Glad We Homeschool: Year Round School

I was surprised to hear on the news that a handful of local schools are doing year round schooling. The children have classes for 45 days (6 weeks) weeks and then 15 days off. It might surprise you that I am not at all in favor of year round schooling since I homeschool and my family can be found teaching and learning year round. The problem I have with year round school is that it controls the life of the families that goes to the school. It is already abundantly clear that teachers and schools frown upon any missed school … Continue reading

Capture End of School Year Memories

With the school year coming to a close, it’s a great time to capture school memories and document what your child is like as they are making a transition from one grade to the next. I’d like to share some ideas you may want to incorporate into your scrapbooks so that you can help your child to remember what they were like this year in school. Photos you won’t want to miss. Most teachers would be more than happy to have you come into the classroom to get a few special photos for your child’s scrapbook. Your child with his … Continue reading