I’m Married to a Scrooge!

Christmas isn’t my favorite holiday, but it ranks up there near the top of the list. Some years I catch the spirit months in advance. Other years, like this one, I’m late getting into the swing of things. (Late by my standards. Normally I catch it by Thanksgiving if not beforehand.) But this year we were on the road and then I’ve been battling some cold/flu bug for the last several weeks. Haven’t had much time or energy to get decorations up, cookie platters planned (I give them to neighbors and friends), or our family Christmas letter written. (Yikes! Cards … Continue reading

Christmas Scrooge or Holiday Angel?

Here in the Frugal Living Blog, we talk a lot about how to save money and be thrifty. And now that we are in the middle of the holiday season, we are focusing a lot on having a frugal Christmas, from decorating to gift giving. We pinch those pennies and make our money go as far as it can. But, as you know, there is a difference between being frugal and being stingy. Sometimes, our frugality makes us better people beyond saving money. How? Well, one thing I have noticed about people who pinch their pennies, is for the most … Continue reading

Did You Know That Scrooge May Very Well Have Saved Christmas?

My husband and I are very fond of trivia and historical trivia is among the best. Imagine our surprise as we were looking for new bits of trivia to tease and entertain each other with that we came across this little gem. Many of us are familiar with the story of A Christmas Carol written by Charles Dickens in the 19th century. What I didn’t know is that when he released his little gilt-edged book, the phrase Merry Christmas was rarely said and businesses rarely closed for Christmas day. After all, it was the midst of the Industrial Revolution and … Continue reading

Holiday Scrooges: No Santa For Kindergarteners And Problems For Pancake Lovers

SANTA BAN Kindergarteners in Vienna, Austria won’t be getting a visit from Ol’ St. Nick this holiday season… at least not at school. Local officials are banning Santa from city kindergartens and the reason why may surprise you. City leaders say it’s not because of religious reasons; rather the reason the chubby elf won’t be making an appearance is because city officials say he sends the wrong message to children, who are told not to accept gifts from stranger. So as to not appear as total scrooges, government leaders are allowing schools to hold Christmas parties–as long Santa is nowhere … Continue reading