New Cuil Search Engine Launched. Is it Good?

Big wigs at Google and IBM have launched a new search engine out of Menlo Park that promises to revolutionize searching on the web. As I write this, the engine claims to have indexed almost 122 billion different websites. It gets its results by ranking pages on content and relevance instead of popularity metrics. I took a look at the search engine today. I absolutely love the snazzy format. Instead of boring and unintuitive links with basic lines of text, you get these little paragraph like boxes of text that come complete with a photo or other image. The description … Continue reading

The Hidden Job Market: Where Is It? Part One

Remember when you’re searching for a job that too much information can be just as bad as no information at all. The Internet is flooded with job boards and directories of varying worth and in some cases, suspicion. How can one sort through it all and still come out sane and smelling like a rose with a new job? The answer, my friends, is not blowing in the wind or anywhere else. Half of the solution lies in the available Internet search engines. The rest is still hidden, and no “x” save your own creativity and perseverance will ever mark … Continue reading