What to Expect From the Swine Flu this Fall and Winter

Swine flu has been in the news this year, starting with an April outbreak. The disease stuck around for the summer — a time when most strains of flu go away. Now health experts are predicting a surge in cases as schools reopen. One report suggests that between a third and a half of the U.S. population will contract swine flu, and October is probably the earliest we’ll see a swine flu vaccine. The normal seasonal flu vaccine does not include protection against swine flu. The World Health Organization says that as much as one third of the world’s population … Continue reading

More Winter Health Tips

We’ve passed the shortest day of the year (December 21st) and the days are starting to get longer, bit by bit. I have to say, the thing I like least about the winter months is all the darkness! It makes me want to curl up in bed and hibernate like a grumpy bear. If you need a little extra help to stay healthy this winter, read on! Make sure you get some outside time. There isn’t much sunlight during the winter months, so enjoy what light there is! Try doing your daily exercise outside instead of inside — try snowshoeing … Continue reading

How To Have A Healthy Winter

Ready for a crazy winter health statistic? Employers shell out billions of dollars worth of sick pay in the winter months. Billions! If you’d rather see more of that money go into your annual bonus check, it might be worth it to stay healthy this winter. And if your employer isn’t paying for insurance and sick days, it’s saving YOUR money to stay healthy during the winter months. Get a flu shot. It’s not too late! The best time for the vaccine is in October and November, but better late than never. The vaccine is shown to offer up to … Continue reading