How to Make Sure You Don’t Get Stuck at the Thrift Store

If you are familiar with my blogs, you know that I do a lot of thrift store shopping. And you also know that January is a favorite time of my to do thrift store shopping. We hit the Goodwill today in between other errands. Unfortunately for us, the store was completely crowded, with people everywhere fighting over everything. This is not the way we like to shop. With the economy the way it is, many new people are discovering shopping at thrift stores. When you are in this environment, it is easy to get into the “grab it quick” mentality. … Continue reading

Anatomy of A Frugal Kid 2

I’m continuing my examination of a typical frugal kid, as he appeared this morning while waiting for the bus stop. You can see that it doesn’t take a lot of money to have a healthy and happy kid. If you missed the first post, click here: Anatomy of A Frugal Kid. Now, let us continue with the torso. In the backpack is a new lunch box that I purchased at the end of September for only $2. It is insulated and a name brand. In it, you’ll find a homemade lunch that includes items such as from scratch banana bread, … Continue reading

3 Ways to Save Money at a Garage Sale

Garage sale shopping means that you are already saving money, right? Well, what if I shared some tips that would save you anywhere from 50 percent to 100 percent (yes items for free) off of the garage sale prices? It doesn’t require hours of negotiating or getting up at 4 am to plan your strategy. It just takes a little information, which I will gladly share below. 1. Break down your money. Even if you plan on buying a lot of stuff, you will benefit by carrying small change. Break all of your money down to dollars and quarters, with … Continue reading

Don’t Overlook Second-hand for Business Supplies

I have written a little about the purchasing of equipment and supplies for our home businesses–including how to budget in for the expenses and discern the value of purchases to the business operations, but I realized I had never talked about how everything we purchase for our home businesses does not have to be brand new–for home businesses on a budget, refurbished and second-hand can be a great way to go. I am amazed at how many great office and business supplies I see at thrift stores, antique stores, and garage sales. Not to mention those business that also specialize … Continue reading

Sell Your Wedding Dress

The wedding season is hot upon us. Modern couples want to enjoy not only the trappings of a traditional wedding, but also a deep-seated sense of frugality where they can save money. How can you do both of these things? Consider selling your wedding dress after your wedding and recouping some of the money you spent on the dress and affording another bride an opportunity to enjoy similar fashion for less the cost. Decide Ahead of Time It’s important to make the decision to sell your wedding dress before you actually get married. I wouldn’t have sold my wedding dress, … Continue reading