Online Banking Basics

Online banking is an important feature to look for when deciding on opening a checking account. Online banking has changed the way that people handle money. It has helped people to better track their finances, save time and money. If you have not yet used the features of an online banking system, then let me explain them to you. The biggest advantage to banking online is that you have access to see the items, which have cleared your account. This helps you to see how much money you really have in your account, because you can subtract the items, which … Continue reading

Airport Screeners Don’t Discriminate—The Tale of J.K. Rowling’s Detainment

I’m sure by now you know that it is virtually impossible to make it through an airport security screening area without stripping from head-to-toe. I’m kidding. But, since 9-11 and even more recently the foiled British based terror plot to blow up several major airlines mid-flight, airport security has clamped down on travelers like never before. But, do you often wonder if some people, celebrities, perhaps, are able to breeze through lines while the rest of us no-names endure the rigors of de-shoeing and having the contents of our carry-ons dumped out and put on display for the rest of … Continue reading

Window Screens

Now that the weather is growing milder, you may be ready to turn off the air conditioner and open up the windows. It’s great to open up the whole house and let the fresh air in. However, you may still have to worry about insects and pests, so make sure your screens are in good shape. If any need repairs, take care of it right away. In some cases, you may be able to do minor repairs yourself. You may be able to secure a loose corner with metal tape (used in heating and air), so check your hardware store … Continue reading

Traveling With Mom… Who Knew It Could Be So Bad?

I have traveled with my mother so often I would probably have an easier time counting the number of times we haven’t shared a flight than the times we have. After all, who better to share cramped quarters with than the woman who changed your diapers? I know her quirks she knows mine. Well, apparently, this travel set up we share is something that shouldn’t be taken for granted. At least that’s what I thought after hearing what transpired last week at a Chicago airport between a man, his mom and… airport security. According to police a “29-year-old man traveling … Continue reading


I recently blogged about the concerns regarding electronic passports, but my blog published PRIOR to the announcement that authorities uncovered an alleged terror plot involving airplanes and liquid explosives. I assumed that the heightened security checks at airports worldwide would certainly impact the United States plan to begin issuing e-passports, but I was wrong. In fact, I just learned that the U.S. State Department’s plan to issue smart chip-embedded passports to Americans will go on as scheduled TODAY. Initially, there was talk that the rollout wouldn’t formally take place until the end of the busy summer travel season. That is … Continue reading

The Puffer

It’s being called the latest and greatest way to “breeze” through airport security lines. If you plan to fly out of major airports in New York, Chicago or California in the near future you could be one of the first passengers to take advantage of the new invention. It’s called “the puffer” and members of the Transportation Safety Administration (TSA) say that it will vastly improve security measures at the nation’s busiest airports. According to TSA representatives, the machine “takes off body samples,” which in turn is supposed to move the security process along quicker. Basically, air pumps dislodge particles … Continue reading

Shields Up! Port Scanning!

Hey! Hey you! Are your ports open? Don’t know? What’s a port? A computer port is where data comes in and out of your computer. Port scanning has legitimate uses but port scanning can also be dangerous if a malicious individual runs a program that scans your computer looking for a weakened access point to break into your computer. If they break into your computer they really are breaking into your life. “But I only check my email and the news once in a while!” If that sounds like you, then your exposure to port scanning will be minimal, unless … Continue reading

Facts about home invasion And Protecting Your Home and Family.

. It’s seems like the news reports are full of more and more stories of home invasions. There has always been a risk of burglary and most homeowner insurance policies cover the losses of a burglary. Burglars usually hit during the day when everyone is busy and the house is empty. Burglars tend to choose a different house when they see an alarm system, strong locks and doors, and barred windows. Insurance companies will often offer a discount when homeowners have these things in place. A burglar will usually run away if the homeowner should come home or be inside … Continue reading

Instant Messaging – The next security threat

Instant messaging (IM) has become a very popular medium for communicating over the Internet. With so many available services like MSN Messenger, Yahoo! Messenger, and AOL Instant Messenger, it is no wonder why so many people are flocking to use the free software. Don’t think that it’s just teenagers and their friends using IM services either. Hackers and other would-be computer intruders are now using IM as a way to put viruses, worms, spyware, and other types of malicious software on your computer. In fact, IM is catching up to e-mail as one of the main sources of malicious computer … Continue reading