More Memorial Day Deals- 2011

If you are someone who has the day off of work tomorrow, then you will have the opportunity to check out some of the Memorial Day sales. These deals traditionally continue through the entire three day Memorial Day weekend. This means you can still find some great sales on Monday, May 30, 2011. Your children will have the day off of school on Memorial Day. Hopefully, you work for a company that also gave you the day off, so you can spend some time together. If you are not planning on heading out to a BBQ or a party on … Continue reading

“No Pooing” Method

Now I know what you might be thinking, but don’t go there. Read this post instead to find out one of the latest trends to saving money and the environment. Lately, the “no pooing” method has been hitting me left and right. I’ve been getting e-mails and phone calls about this phenomena, and a few of my friends are going to try it. I have to admit that when I first saw the name of the method, “no pooing,” I thought to myself that this must be going somewhere in the frugal hall of fame for extreme frugality. How does … Continue reading