More Questions Concerning Supreme Court Ruling Against Using Race for Admission

In my previous articles, I have discussed the plans of two school districts in Kentucky to place students in schools by race, I have talked of the Supreme Court ruling that ruled against the schools, and I have addressed some questions concerning Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling against two Kentucky school districts. In this article I will address even more questions and concerns of the ruling. Does this Supreme Court ruling compare to previous rulings made by the Court? This was the first case to discuss diversity and education since 2003. The 2003 case involved college admissions. During that time Justice … Continue reading

Use of Race in School Admission

All knows America for its freedom of acceptance. It is known to be huge and diverse. It is likely to be the most diverse country in terms of race and ethnics. However, here we are some fifty-two years after the court ruling of Brown v. Board of Education. We are once again bringing school race issues to the courts. In some instances we try so hard to ‘fix’ a problem that we only make it worse. The two school districts at question in Kentucky both had developed plans in order to prevent segregation at its public schools. The school boards … Continue reading