Segway Users Unite

Segways, those state-of-the-art, two-wheeled, electric scooters have become a popular means of transportation since they were introduced a few years ago. Along with police officers, mall security, and tourists in Hawaii, the Segways have now become the preferred method of transportation by disabled people who say the unusual scooters offer them more mobility and dignity than wheelchairs. Which is why advocates for the disabled are trying to persuade big wigs at Walt Disney World and SeaWorld Orlando to lift a ban on the use of Segways within the theme parks. The folks at Disney have never allowed Segways on their … Continue reading

A Unique Two-Wheeled Tour

Don’t let the title fool you—this blog isn’t about bicycle tours, rather it will detail ways you can experience military-based technology on two wheels. I’m referring to the Segway Human Transporter. I introduced (or re-introduced) you to it in my previous blog… so now that you know what they are. Here’s some information on how you can spend some time on one without shelling out $5,000 (the amount it retails for) to do so. In California you can take a Segway tour of celebrity homes in Beverly Hills. Likewise you can see the city lights of Atlanta; the incredible skyline … Continue reading

Segway Rolls On

Have you seen or ridden a Segway Human Transporter? (Click here to see a picture.) The two-wheeled invention has been on the market for four years, but it still remains a head-turner. When it debuted it made the rounds on the network morning shows and we all laughed watching the anchors glide around on them. (Actually, my job at a local television station afforded me the same opportunity–my one and only ride on a Segway–but I digress.) Back then; many regarded the Segway as the ultimate “Neiman-Marcus” gift idea. Meaning it was seen as a toy for the rich… or … Continue reading