Dealing with Anger– the Islamic Way

We all experience anger from time to time. Maybe your spouse did something to upset you… the children are misbehaving… someone cut you off in traffic… your boss is being unreasonable. We share this world with many people of many different personalities. It is inevitable that we will feel anger or frustration from time to time. While the feelings are inevitable, angry reactions are not. In fact, the teachings of Islam are very clear on this: it is haram (forbidden) to lash out in anger. The Koran says: “O ye who believe! Let not a folk deride a folk who … Continue reading

As a Man Thinketh

“I believe that words and actions are rooted in our thoughts and that our thoughts determine our deeds. Our daily decisions, planned or spontaneous, are the result of our thoughts, and we are responsible for them. Although we as individuals might think that we are and can act independently of God, we cannot escape the realization that we are subject to eternal laws. Our happiness and our peace in this life, as well as in the life after, depend on our readiness to base our thoughts and actions on God-given laws. True peace of mind and everlasting happiness come from … Continue reading

Teach Your Child How to Manage Stress

As adults, we can usually recognize when our stress level gets too high. We can give ourselves a needed break, get some exercise, or call a friend for support. Yet children are often poor managers of their own stress. They are less able to understand their feelings of frustration and confusion, and they don’t know how to help themselves. The child with ADHD, autism, or the learning disabled child is even less equipped to handle stressful situations. My seven-year-old stepdaughter with ADHD used to say, “I feel so angry, I want to punch someone. But I don’t know why.” Is … Continue reading