Angelina Jolie Packs Heat in her Own House

With the size of her new home (which is about as big as a small country) and the number of little ones she has to protect I suppose Angelina Jolie presents a good argument as to why she feels the need to arm herself with guns. While others may feel that a home is not a place for loaded guns, especially with a gaggle of kiddies running around, Jolie maintains that her guns are necessary and she wouldn’t hesitate to use the weapons to protect her growing family. And that’s not all the actress, who is pregnant with twins, recently … Continue reading

The Karate Kid Part II (1986)

Although “The Karate Kid Part II” was released two years after the first “Karate Kid,” it begins just shortly after the competition that marks the final scene of the first movie. As Daniel (Ralph Macchio) and Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita) are leaving the stadium, they see a disturbing sight. Johnny, Daniel’s old enemy, has come in second in the karate competition, and that’s just not good enough for John Kreese, his sensai. Mr. Kreese begins beating Johnny up, to teach him a lesson, and even though the other boys step in and try to stop him, he is relentless. Mr. … Continue reading

The Karate Kid (1984)

“The Karate Kid” is one of the most well-known films to come out of the 1980’s. Even though it’s over twenty years old, it still entertains and uplifts audiences today. Daniel LaRusso’s father has recently died, and he and his mother decide to move from New England to California and start all over again. The apartment they find is rented out by an Okinawan man named Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita). Daniel (Ralph Macchio) has a tough time getting settled in school. Everything is just so different from what he’s used to. When he spots Ali Mills, (Elisabeth Shue) he starts … Continue reading

Self-defense Parties

Have you heard about the newest craze in teen parties? Self-defense or personal protection parties are fast becoming popular among the teen set, for those wishing to learn how to protect themselves against an aggressor. Geared mainly for females, participants are taught self-defense in the comfort of their own homes. Partygoers are taught how to kick, punch and use their voices as weapons. The Girl Scouts are also helping young women learn about self-defense in a program called P.A.V.E. the Way (Project Anti-Violence Education). This nationwide program addresses violence and violence-prevention. It focuses on important issues including bullying, Internet safety … Continue reading

Be Not Afraid — Stacey DeMille Wardwell

“Be Not Afraid” is a self-help book for young women to teach them how to defend themselves against attack, using not only common sense and basic self-defense strategies, but relying on the inspiration of the Holy Ghost to guide them in choosing their friends and where they should spend their time. The book is dedicated “To every innocent young woman who has suffered as a victim and every young woman who will not have to.” That is the message of the book – how to avoid, overcome, and most of all, understand that when these things happen, it’s not your … Continue reading

Top Five Tips for Personal Protection

In the world we live in, it pays to be prepared for dangerous situations. These tips will help you protect yourself in the event of personal attack. 1. Never be afraid to make a scene if someone is bothering you. It is imperative that you draw attention to the situation. The last thing a criminal wants is attention. Yell and make a big commotion. Tell the person to leave you alone. Make sure others notice what’s going on continue moving away from the would be attacker. Stay in a public place where there are other people and find a phone … Continue reading

Self Defense Classes

One emergency that many people, especially women, will face is being attacked. A self-defense class is a wise investment for nearly everyone. A self-defense class will teach you how best to defend yourself when being attacked. It will also teach you things that you need to be aware of in your surroundings so that you can avoid dangerous situations. While I was in college I had the opportunity to take a self-defense class to fulfill my P.E. requirements. It was a great class. It was based on the RAD system of self-defense, which is a women focused rape defense class. … Continue reading

Teaching Your Child How to Protect Themselves

Many parents, including myself, worry about what their child would do if they were confronted by an attacker, kidnapper, etc. To ease your worst fears, I have some advice and tips for you that you and your child can do together. I practice this often with my 6-year-old daughter, Samantha, and she enjoys it. It also eases her fears if she were confronted by someone that could hurt her. I use some of what I learned in Tae Kwon Do lessons, and some of the street smarts my fiancé learned growing up in a large city. This is my role … Continue reading