Parents Need Discipline Too

We focus a great deal on disciplining our children and discussing different disciplinary philosophies and techniques that we can use as parents. But, parents need discipline too… When I talk about self-discipline for parents, I am not talking about punishment–I am talking about learning to regulate our behaviors. I am talking about learning and fostering patience; learning how to experiment and take on new behaviors (while letting go of ones that no longer work for us); I am talking about being respectful, responsible and not shying away from doing what needs to be done. All of this may seem pretty … Continue reading

Wrestling with Self-Discipline

How disciplined does a person have to be to start and operate a home-based business? Wrestling with one’s ability to stay on task and stay disciplined can be a big deterrent for many who would otherwise love to start a home-based business. Without the guaranteed structure of the more traditional job, many people fear they just couldn’t stay motivated. Even though I have plenty of things to keep me motivated–a family to support as a single parent, a strong, creative drive to succeed, a moderately high energy level–I still don’t always feel like the most self-disciplined person. In my idea … Continue reading

Building Self-Discipline In Children

Self-discipline is a trait that many children and adults in today’s world lack. They believe that they deserve what they want when they want it. They aren’t willing to work or wait for the things that they desire. Yet self-discipline or willpower is a trait that is valuable in school (see my blog about how willpower determines grades), work, and personal life. Dr. Cordelia Fine suggests that willpower is a “moral muscle that is flexing and straining as you keep attention focused on a dry academic article, bite back an angry retort to your boss, or decline a helping of … Continue reading

Willpower Not Smarts Determines Grades

The school year is starting and as parents many of us are concerned about the grades that our child will get. I recently wrote a blog about how parents can help their teens in school and the ideas I shared can definitely help. But I just read an article that discussed how a teen’s willpower is the greatest factor in determining their academic success. Cordelia Fine in her article “Willpower is best used with care” tells about a librarian, Anne, who could predict which students would receive first-class or highest level degrees. She was almost always correct. Her secret – … Continue reading

Self-Control vs. Self-Indulgence

In a world so full of bright shiny things, it can be very easy to become distracted. I have long thought that the bulk of the world’s problems simply come from a complete lack of self-discipline. Greed – lack of self-discipline. Selfishness – lack of self-discipline. Crime – lack of self-discipline. Inhumanity – lack of self-discipline. Elder Richard G. Scott said: “Some of us at one time or another let the pressures of life or the false teachings of men cloud our vision, but when we see with clarity, the difference between the plan of God and that of Satan … Continue reading