Are Your Kids Self-motivated?

Are your kids self-motivated? Self-motivation, according to the authors of 365 Ways To Help Your Children Grow, is “the reason a person goes on, even when they want to quit. It is the belief that something can be done, even when the odds are against it.” To help your kids get self-motivated, the authors offer several great ideas for you to try out. Here are a few of them: (1) Goal cards Each family member receives one 5 x 8 index card. On one side write one goal and on the other side write the steps you would need to … Continue reading

Mental Boosters for Fitness

The Spring Forward to Action challenge is nearly upon us and it’s important for you to take charge of your fitness and exercise. But how do you do that? How do you take on the challenge now when you believe you may have failed in the past? When you have struggled with fitness and exercise before? You do this by developing your own mental boosters for fitness. I can talk to you all day about the reasons why you should exercise. I can tell you the reasons why you should develop a better sense of fitness in your life. I … Continue reading