Coping with Anxiety (2)

Anxiety got you by the throat? Or perhaps it has your stomach in knots and your heart in a vice. Help is at hand. Following on from Coping with Anxiety (1) here are some more tips for dealing with those anxious feelings that just won’t go away. • Give yourself permission to feel anxious about the issue that is concerning you. We often give ourselves a hard time over the way we are feeling, and in doing so, we make our anxiety worse by minimizing or even dismissing the reason that we are feeling anxious. We believe other people would … Continue reading

Make Your Diet Work For You

When it comes to choosing, planning and sticking to a diet – we all have similar goals in mind. We want to eat healthier, we want to lose weight and we want to look and feel better about ourselves. Those are laudable goals, but they are also vague and don’t necessarily provide you with the tools to make your diet work for you. The following are some tips that work in business to help achieve the goals and we’re going to apply them to your dieting scheme. First of all, assuming that you owner of the business knows best is … Continue reading

Tips to Minimize

When you are making a significant change in your dietary habits, it’s better to make the changes small. There’s an intense psychological reasoning behind this. For example, if you are changing your eating habits, giving up alcohol, picking up a heavy duty workout program while starting a new job and moving into a new house – well – you get the picture. You are setting yourself up for failure. There are way too many stressors that you are creating for yourself. Recurring failure in any area will feed the distress the other changes are already creating. So if you are … Continue reading

The Silent Enemy

What is the silent enemy of your success in any weight loss program? It’s not a food or a drink. It’s not even another person. The silent enemy is the internal, critical monologue you endure each time you flay yourself for how you look or how much success you have or have not had. You see, you listen to this silent enemy every single day. You listen to it when you look at yourself in the mirror. You hear every derogatory word you say about yourself and to yourself. You listen to it when you try on clothes. You listen … Continue reading