How to Be Both Buyer and Seller (Or At Least Think That Way)

When you are walking down the aisles of the grocery store or shopping for a new car, you probably think of yourself as the “buyer.” When you are trying to sell your goods and services in your home business, you most likely think of yourself as the “seller.” Being able to wear both hats simultaneously and think of yourself as both consumer and seller can be a great way to make you a stronger business person (and a more disconcerting buyer.) Think of it as being able to see both sides of the same coin—if you are able to look … Continue reading

Seller’s Market Vs. Buyer’s Market—Understanding the Basics

Unless you’ve taken a business course or two, or read a shelf of business books, you might not know what all the “business terms” mean. Periodically, I try to provide little bits of basic information about the business world that might help you as you build your home business. This evening, I thought I’d cover the difference between a “buyer’s market” and a “seller’s market” and how it might affect your industry. In a “buyer’s market”—the purchaser, customer or “buyer” has the advantage. This usually means that there are plenty of goods or services available at a low or affordable … Continue reading