My Experience With Cloth Wipes

After deciding to use cloth diapers for various reasons, I decided we might as well use cloth wipes too. During my research on the subject I found that cloth wipes seemed superior to disposable wipes. I liked the idea of using only plain, warm water on my daughter’s behind most of the time, and using a gentle, non-irritating soap the rest of the time. In addition, the thought of the money we would save also appealed to me. In the last months of my pregnancy, when I was as big as a boat and unable to do much (I gained … Continue reading

Child Neglect: A Growing National Problem

There are stories of children being abused and neglected almost every day in any newspaper. From my child sensitive point of view, this is a national tragedy. We live in a rural area outside of a major city. The country folks out here seem to smoke a lot. I can’t tell you how much it pains me to see a mom with a cigarette in her mouth fastening a child in a car seat. Little babies are getting their lungs filled with second-hand smoke all the time. It’s hard for me not to say something, but it would not accomplish … Continue reading

Nurturing Temperamental Traits – Sensory Threshold

Sensory threshold is how sensitive your child is to their physical environment things like: sound, taste, temperature, and touch. Does your baby startle easily? Is your child a picky eater or will she eat anything? Can your baby sleep through anything? Does your child like certain types of clothing? Do you have to cut out the tags on your child’s clothes? After falling down do they quickly get up and continue playing? Insensitive This doesn’t mean your child doesn’t have feelings just that they aren’t as sensitive to their physical environment. This is the child that isn’t fazed by loud … Continue reading