What Are You Willing to Pay For?

There is a myth out there that all single parents are frugal and cheap. While I have yet to meet a single parent who did not keep at least one key eye on the budget and I would definitely lump myself in that group, I also know that efficiency and saving time are issues for single parents too. If you find that you are pinching that penny a little too tightly, it might be time to take into account what you can save by spending a little money… I am often willing to pay a little extra for shipping and … Continue reading

Competitive Pricing: Are You Offering Comparable Products and Services?

Earlier today, I wrote an article about how to research your competition and compare various pricing structures. It is important to keep in mind that when you are looking at what other businesses in your industry are up to, that you truthfully consider what products and services you are offering and whether they are comparable. If you are going to charge comparable prices, you really need to be offering comparable services. For example, if you offer housecleaning and maid services, look at your competitors—not just at their prices but the value of the service that a consumer gets for the … Continue reading

Can You Offer More Customized Products and Services?

I think that one of the great things about a small business is that operations, services, and products CAN be more customized and personal. Many of us try to make our small businesses into “mini” corporations and keep things as standardized as possible. But, we might be missing out on a way to really make our business practices stand out amongst the competition. It might just be that personalized service or special adjustments to products and deliveries that make our home businesses shine. Now, like anything, we can get so carried away with special orders and customizing our services that … Continue reading

Do You Need a New Product or Service…Or Just New Customers?

It can be tempting when things start to slow down in your business to think that your customers or market is losing interest in your product or service. In our attempt to keep our business efforts growing, we might be tempted to abandon our product or try to keep adding products and services to what we offer. However, it might not be new products that we need, but simply to expand our marketing of prospects and reach new customers. If you have taken the time to create a mission for your business and already have a marketing plan, you may … Continue reading

Are You Giving Away Too Much For Free?

Many of us give away samples, or offer free consultations or other cost-free offers to entice and motivate our clients or customers. This can be an incredibly effective way to market our products or services. But, how do we know if we are giving away too much? Perhaps we are offering things for free that are actually hurting our bottom line and we should cut back or curb our free giveaways for the benefit of our business? Of course, looking at your profit and loss statements or overall budget is one way to at least get a handle on how … Continue reading

Rabbi and Cantor

For first time temple goers, many may have questions regarding the set up of the Jewish religion and prayer services. Most synagogues or temples will have a Rabbi and a Cantor to lead prayer services. The word Rabbi means teacher. A Rabbi is considered the leader of a Jewish community and looked upon for advice, console, and can perform many rituals and customs like baby naming, B’nai Mitzvot, or a Marriage ceremony. A Rabbi is simply a teacher, a person who decided they wanted to become educated in Jewish law or halakhah. With their studies, Rabbi’s also study and practice … Continue reading