Serving Others Despite A Busy Life

I have been thinking a lot lately about serving others. At this stage in my life, it feels impossible to reach outside the needs of my own little family that demands so much, to others that might be in need. However, I believe that the Lord expects so much more of each of us. In the book, Daughters in My Kingdom, there is a quote by George Albert Smith that states, “Our eternal happiness will be in proportion to the way that we devote ourselves to helping others.” When you really think about that statement, it is hard not to … Continue reading

Making Room for New Toys

With the abundance of Christmas presents Logan gets from friends and family each and every year, I find myself wondering where in the world we are going to put everything. We’ve already got so much squished into our little basement bedroom that I’m not sure much else will fit. Luckily, this gives us a fabulous excuse to do some spring cleaning. That means Logan and I will be going through all of his toy boxes and setting aside the toys he doesn’t play with anymore to make room for the new ones. He has several toy boxes and has been … Continue reading

Never Too Old!

Some people use age as an excuse to opt out of becoming involved and helping others. Our local paper recently ran a story about an 87 year old man, Cyril Brown. Unlike some today, his main focus has never been on earning a living and looking after his own best interests. Rather, his has been a life of helping and serving others. Currently he is a volunteer who delivers for Meals on Wheels. Ironically, he is older than some of the people he is delivering meals too. When not delivering meals, he spends his time doing other odd jobs to … Continue reading

Are You Being Taken Advantage Of or Helping Others?

It can be difficult to draw the line between serving others and being taken advantage of. This is especially difficult when it comes to members of the church. I am not speaking of teaching an occasional class or serving in a church calling, but of the times you are asked to help out in some way. Too often others assume because you are in the same ward, that you will offer a discount or do it for free. It can be difficult to deal with this situation. I have known people who expect plumbers to come over and fix major … Continue reading

Why Doesn’t Everybody Serve Me?

OK, so maybe this is a question that I would never verbalize, but it is definitely a question I have asked in my heart a time or two. For the past few days I have been pretty much house-ridden because one of my children has been sick with the flu. Last night, at the end of day three, I felt myself becoming very frustrated. My husband had been busy all weekend. In fact, I had hardly seen him at all. I started to feel a little put out that I was the one who had been solely responsible for taking … Continue reading

5 Principles for Showing Hospitality

The Bible gives us wonderful principles to use in showing hospitality to others. My husband enjoys defining hospitality as, “Making someone feel at home, even when you wish they were.” Sarcasm aside, here are some tips laid down for us in scripture. 1. Show it fervently (I Peter 4:8-9). Make it a point to be hospitable towards others. Invite people into your home for a meal, a Bible study, or just a time to get to know each other. Open up to others. 2. Show it continuously to the needy (Romans 12:13). The Christians in Rome in Paul’s time heard … Continue reading

Serving Our Families

In my last entry in the Devotions series, I talked about service or being a servant to others. I wanted to use that blog as a jumping block for this series over how we can be servants to others. First, I want to talk about serving our family. Our families are sometimes the easiest people to serve and sometimes our families are the hardest people to serve. It seems like when we serve our families there is less recognition or thankfulness from our family members because they expect each person in the family to help out. It is important to … Continue reading