Sex Education in the News

Sex education is a controversial subject for families. Some parents support it, others do not, and still others believe it has its place depending on the age of the students. Like it or not, sex education has been in the news lately, including compulsory lessons on sex education for children as young as five years old. Let’s get to the first piece of news. An initiative was announced in England that millions of children from the age of five to 16, who attend state-funded schools, will be given compulsory lessons about sex education and drugs. It is important to note … Continue reading

Birds, Bees, and Fish: Sometimes the Topic Arises Earlier for Adopted Kids

I really hadn’t planned to talk about reproduction with Meg for quite a while yet. I guess I should have anticipated that knowing she had a birthmother and a foster mother before we became her parents would spark some questions like, “What exactly makes someone a birth parent, exactly, if “birth parent” does not refer to the people who are actually parenting her?” At some point the topic of skin color came up and Meg heard that it came from your parents. Since this obviously didn’t mesh with her experience, I had told her that it came from her birth … Continue reading

What’s a Birth Father Got To Do With It?

When Meg was six, she asked abruptly one day, “Who is my father?” My second-grade son immediately launched into a lecture. Having just studied synonyms in school, he pompously explained to her that Dad was her father because the word “dad” was a synonym for “father”. After he left the room, I smiled at Meg. “That wasn’t quite what you meant, was it?” She shook her head, brows furrowed. “You mean your birth father?” She nodded, and we shared a smile over her brilliant big brother not getting it for once. I told Meg her birth father’s first name and … Continue reading

Instead of Just One Session of “The Talk,” Expect Several

It is hard for me to believe, but there are still plenty of parents who think that sex education is a one-time obligation. While they may have the best of intentions, they wonder when is the right time to have “the TALK” and be done with their parental obligations regarding this discomforting subject. Instead of one, all-encompassing “talk,” however, most experts recommend that parents be prepared for regular and repeated age-appropriate discussions and be open and available to answer questions as they pop up. Maybe instead of one big TALK, parents can think of how to lay an early foundation … Continue reading

Sex Education is a Heated Topic for Romney and Obama

I for one do not follow the politicians or political news. My husband remains much more interested in campaigns and elections than I do. However, the battle over sex education between Romney and Obama has enticed me to take on a more active political role. Senator Obama has suggested that all grade school children (beginning in kindergarten) be instructed through a science-based sex education program. He suggests that each grade have an age appropriate sex education program. Romney, on the other hand, feels that there is no age appropriate program when it comes to young children learning about sex. Obama … Continue reading

Research Supports Abstinence Programs

Sex education is a very touchy subject. However, it seems to be the hot topic in the news lately. Not only is sex education controversial in our education system but also in our political system. In addition, it is not limited to the United States. Other countries, such as India, are struggling with battles over if, how, and when to teach sex education. Therefore, I feel that I would be doing viewers a disgrace by not addressing the issues at hand. In a previous article, I suggested that sex education needs a change. Instead of teaching children how to … Continue reading

Sex Education Curriculums Need A Make Over

It seems as though sex education has gained a lot of media attention lately. There is much controversy over whether sex education courses should be offered to students. In many cases, parents must give parental consent before their children can take part in such lectures or courses. Recently The United States House Appropriations Committee examined the teaching of sex education. It was determined that much more effort is placed into teaching children about contraception and “safe” methods than actual abstinence. The committee voted to increase funding in order to provide more abstinence based education. In 2005, nine of the most … Continue reading

Be Prepared

I have decided to adopt the Boy Scouts motto of “be prepared” as my parenting motto. When you have kids, especially young one, there’s no telling what curve ball they might throw your way. Mine went something like this: early Saturday morning Tyler came up to me and asked me if it hurt when they cut me. Well, I figured he was talking about my C-section since I had explained the circumstances of his birth already. “No, no not that. Did it hurt when they cut your penis off?” Let me just say that I had not had any coffee … Continue reading

Should Textbooks Be Written To Include Homosexual Achievements?

I recently wrote a blog titled “Homosexual Agenda Being Promoted In Schools,” which has received a lot of debate. There is one part of this article that I want to address in more detail. It is concerning the rewriting of textbooks to specifically include accomplishments of homosexual individuals. This is something that the California Teachers Association is currently supporting. They are trying to get a bill passed that would require that history textbooks be rewritten to “include and highlight homosexual and transsexual historical figures.” Saying that, “Curriculum should address the common values of the society; promote respect for diversity and … Continue reading

Homosexual Agenda Being Promoted In Schools

I personally feel that homosexuality is wrong. I do not hate those that are involved in it. But I do not feel that my children or I should be required to respect and appreciate it. Tolerate it maybe. Yet many lawmakers around the country are promoting homosexual agendas in our schools. A recent bill was passed in California that prohibits “teachers, textbooks, instructional materials and all school-sponsored activities (sports, the prom, etc.) from reflecting adversely upon homosexuals, bisexuals, and transsexuals.” Karen England a member of Capital Resource Institute, which promotes laws that preserve family values, comments on the broadness of … Continue reading