Still Waiting For Mr. Right?

I recently had a discussion at a social function with a woman in her late 30s. She was divorced and on the lookout for another partner. But she said something to me that seemed more than a little odd. Her thesis on marital happiness was that the sex had to be great and if the sex wasn’t great then there was no point in going on with the relationship. She went on to say that even if you can’t stand the guy any more and he makes you cringe and you find out that he is dumb, or is filthy, … Continue reading

Not the Key to a Successful Marriage

Today I saw a scary article about a lecture entitled ‘The Keys to a Successful Marriage.’ It appears that an apparently self-appointed religious leader in Melbourne has told men under Islamic law ‘they can force their wives to have sex and hit them if they’re disobedient.’ He also told them there is no such thing as ‘rape’ between a husband and wife. Given that Australia is currently engaged in running a campaign trying to curb incidences of domestic violence, it is horrifying to see a religious leader coming out and advocating something like this. In ‘The Keys to a Successful … Continue reading