A Thanksgiving List

Since this is the season for thanksgiving, I thought I’d share with you on the marriage blog some of the things I’m thankful for. It would come as no surprise to anyone who’s a regular reader of my blogs to know that one of the things I am most thankful for is my husband. The second follows on from that. I am thankful for our son and daughter. Thankful too for each of their marriage partners, that they share their Christian beliefs, faith and commitment the same as Mick and I do. I am thankful God brought us together and … Continue reading

Something to Think and Talk About

Was it the title of this play, The Women of Lockerbie, that put men off? That’s what I wondered as I looked around the predominately female audience last night at the theater. Mick and I went with two other couples went to see The Women of Lockerbie by Deborah Brevoort. Or was it because the play was a drama and might be emotional? It was both. It was also a riveting piece of theater. It could also have been this attitude that men don’t go to the theater but that it is a woman’s thing, because Mick and I’ve noticed … Continue reading

Single Parent Dating—Finding Shared Interests

There is an ongoing debate when it comes to dating and romance—do you look for similarities or differences? When you are a single parent who is also trying to date, time can be precious and it is hard enough to find a little time for ourselves, let alone get out there and “meet people.” A strategy that works well for many single parents is to look for shared interests—whether by meeting people at activities that we already enjoy (church, volunteer work, hobbies, etc.) or find people who like to do similar things so we have a “jumping off point” for … Continue reading