Actions Bring Consequences

We often hear that God is a God of love and He is. He is also a God of judgment as we see in Isaiah 3. The thing is that God’s judgment does arrive without Him first giving His people warning of what is to come if they do not change their ways. Isaiah 3:1-8 God warns He will divest Judah of leadership supports because of defiant deeds. While we might criticize these people for not listening to Isaiah’s prophecy and the warning God gave, how often do we refuse to listen to what God is saying to us? Maybe … Continue reading

Making Memories

‘It’s our memories that make us,’ – this is the first line of Requiem for a Beast a picture book for older children and young adults. Though the book was in that case talking about indigenous people of Australia, in a sense it’s the same true for each of us. We are what we remember. A psychologist once told me that the mind chooses to forget those things that are too painful- that it doesn’t want to deal with. But I’ve also heard someone say that those with a happy childhood don’t store up memories. Since they both seem to … Continue reading