Clueless Nights (or, Clueless in Portland)

I often joke that my dog Moose is the world’s dumbest German shepherd. The breed is known for being pretty smart, but Moose doesn’t seem to have gotten much in the brain department. (Though sometimes he surprises me!) I love him anyway… but last night, he was driving me insane. It’s been a week of increasing temperatures in the Portland, Oregon area, culminating in the 90s on Friday. The overnights have been somewhat cooler, but I’m the kind of person who likes it COLD in the bedroom. I’m happiest when I can burrow down under a big heap of blankets … Continue reading

Quick Fixes For Snoring

If you share a bed with a spouse who snores, you are losing precious sleep! In fact, by your fiftieth wedding anniversary, you’ve lost around four years worth of sleep. Amazing! That breaks down to about one year of sleep lost for every twelve years you share a bed with a snorer. When you aren’t getting enough risk, you’re at risk for all kinds of things. Lack of sleep contributes to mood problems and memory problems. If you aren’t resting enough, you may be less alert during the day — that makes you more likely to be involved in car … Continue reading

Thoughts on Sharing A Bed

Not everyone likes to share a bed with their pets. The hair can be a definite issue. But I knew before I even got my first dog that I wanted to let him or her sleep on the bed with me. These days, I share my bed with two dogs. If you haven’t been introduced yet, here they are. Lally is a boxer/Shar-pei mix who comes from a shelter in Vermont. I brought her home three days after my first dog Miko passed away. She’s my little athlete — we’re always playing ball together. And I do mean always. I … Continue reading