Marriage Tips: How to Share Your Household Chores

We talked earlier about not asking for help, because asking for assistance implies sole responsibility rather than shared responsibility. A marriage is a partnership and like any partnership, it requires a sharing of responsibilities and more. Here are some tips to help you and your spouse to share your responsibilities and to avoid the disagreements and arguments that come from pointing fingers and accusations and hard feelings. What are your priorities? What are your spouse’s priorities? You need to answer these two questions. You need to know what is important to you and to him or her. You need to … Continue reading

Do You Fight Before, During, or After Holidays?

We all have triggers in our relationships that set off disagreements. For some people it’s working late or going out with friends, and for others it’s holidays, or at least holidays seem to be a problem. It may have more to do with the fact that holidays can become stressful, than the holidays themselves. For example, one spouse may feel resentful if he or she has more responsibility for planning and executing holiday get-togethers. Another person may begin to dislike the holidays because he or she is uncomfortable watching the other person become the life of the holiday party while … Continue reading

Sharing Holiday Responsibilities

Do you do take care of most of the holiday preparations or does your spouse? Do you clean, plan, shop, and cook until you’re exhausted or do the two of you share the effort equally? If holidays have become an exercise in stress and exhaustion, you need to communicate this to your spouse. After all, you should be able to enjoy the holidays as well. A good way to get your spouse more involved is to ask for his or her opinion on things. You may simply love the raspberry-cranberry sauce that you serve each year, but your spouse may … Continue reading