Different Ways Of Saying ‘ I Love You.’

There are different ways of saying, ‘I love you.‘ Some people will do it more with words. Others will demonstrate it more by actions. Take for example the husband who makes breakfast for his wife and packs his wife’s lunch each day. Because he works closer to home, he has more time than she does. He would rather have her in bed with him for an extra fifteen minutes and then, while she is having a shower and getting ready, he will make her breakfast and pack her lunch. That’s one way this husband shows how much he loves her. … Continue reading

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

‘Actions speak louder than words,’ that’s one of the things my mother taught me when I was growing up. And it’s true. We can tell someone we love them time after time but unless our actions back up, reinforce and prove our words they are worthless. I had to chuckle when I read Mary Ann’s blog about her children’s observations about marriage but it is so true that children learn about marriage by what they observe. Recently my daughter and I were talking about marriage and she laughingly said ‘Now I’m married, you have to teach me about being married.’ … Continue reading

Want to Know How to Decrease Stress?

Want to know how to ease stress in your life and that of your spouse? Scientists have come up with the answer – to kiss stress goodbye, literally. Displays of affection ease stress levels. That’s the conclusion that scientists have come to, after conducting a week long study with a number of mostly married couples. The act of kissing, ‘unleashes chemicals that ease stress hormones in both sexes.’ Scientists dicovered that the couples that engaged in more physical contact, ranging from holding hands to sexual intercourse, had lower levels of cortisol, in their saliva. Cortisol is often referred to as … Continue reading

Before Disaster Comes Show Your Love

Australia is reeling. A staggering number of lives have been lost as a result of the bushfires that have been rampaging for days. Whole towns have been wiped out. Many people have lost their homes and possessions in the worst disaster to hit Australia as bush fires rage through parts of Victoria. Fires have also hit New South Wales but to date no lives have been lost there. Other than the lives of loved ones, what would you try and save in case of a fire? It’s hard to imagine, isn’t it? As I started to think about what I’d … Continue reading

11 Tips for Helping a Grieving Spouse

If someone your spouse loves, like a parent or close friend, dies, how can you help them? Here are some tips. 1. Remember how you felt if you were in a similar position but don’t expect necessarily that your spouse will react the same way you did in grief. 2. Show your love for your grieving spouse, even if you don’t know what to say or you’re frightened of getting upset or upsetting them more. Just be there for them. It doesn’t matter if you get upset. It might even help. 3. Let your spouse talk about their loved one. … Continue reading

What Would You Do For Love of Your Spouse?

What would you do for love? Sometimes it might be crazy thing. Or it might be giving up of your time to support your spouse and do something that is important or interesting to them. Yesterday we were at an Australia Day ceremony where a number of immigrants had decided to become Australian citizens. It was lovely to see their families supporting them. Just as important to me was that Mick went with me. Our choir was singing as we usually do at the Australia Day ceremony. We were supposed to sing at 12 but had to be there earlier … Continue reading

Are You up for a Dare?

Are you up for a dare – a dare to enliven your marriage? 40 days could change your marriage, if you let it. According to experts it takes anywhere from 20 to 40 days for something to become a habit. So, doing one positive thing for our spouse each day over 40 days to show we love them would become a habit we could incorporate into our marriage. This morning I received a email suggesting this 40 day love challenge in the days leading up to Valentine’s Day. It meant starting on New Years Day. Now obviously it doesn’t have … Continue reading

Detoxing Your Marriage

The other night, I watched Joel Osteen. He was talking about toxic thoughts. As he was speaking about the importance of detoxing your thoughts, something he said really struck me. Toxic Thoughts He was explaining how damaging bad thoughts can be. How they shut you down, stifle you, keep you stuck, and prevent you from living up to your full potential. Because bad thoughts are toxic ones and toxins build up over time, contaminating your mind, body, soul, and life. But by detoxing your thoughts, you can live a happier and more positive life and therefore a better one. But … Continue reading

16 Reasons Why

Do you remember when you first fell in love how you couldn’t stop thinking, dreaming, and talking about the other person? Do you still feel the same way? Have you ever stopped to analyze why you love your spouse or that certain special person in your life? What is it that drew you to that particular person over another? Initially it may be their physical appearance that attracts you. But if the relationship is to be more than simple chemistry, there needs to be more than that. I admit initially I was drawn by Mick’s brown eyes. But obviously there … Continue reading

5 Fun Things About This Writer

No matter how serious we can be in life, there has to be some time for fun. You’ve heard the old saying “All work and no play….”, well it’s true. In life it is important to remember that laughing and spending time with those we love should rank high in our priorities in life, even if other priorities require us to be more on the serious side. In honor of that theory, I’d like to take a moment and say hello here in the Fun Blog. Most of you probably know me from several other blogs, namely the Scrapbooking Blog … Continue reading