Germs and Family Get Togethers

Why is it that when families get together germs seem to multiply and spread like wildfire. As a child I remember that at our annual Thanksgiving get together at my grandparents inevitably someone would get sick. One year on the way home we stopped multiple times for my mom and brother to throw up. This year our family get together was no exception. For starters I was planning on driving back with my parents after Christmas and then my husband was going to join us on the weekend. But my youngest got sick so we sent my son back with … Continue reading

Do You Go Into Work When You Are Sick?

If you are the type of employee that drags yourself into the office no matter how sick you are I have news for you—your boss and colleagues would rather you didn’t. Don’t believe me? A new survey found 56% of employers say that “presenteeism” — when sick employees show up for work — is a problem for them. The reason: sick employees can weaken the corporate bottom line. If you are sick, stay home. That’s the message employers’ are sending to their ill employees. According to the survey, people reporting for work not only have a lower rate of productivity, … Continue reading

Top 15 Unusual Excuses For Not Showing Up To Work

Okay, confession time—how many times have you called in sick when you simply wanted to sleep in or run a few errands? Don’t worry. You’re in good company. Or, at least that’s what a new survey by found. The survey found 32% of workers have used sick days as “mental health days” to relax in just the last year. And, that’s not all the survey also found that one in 10 admitted to doing so three times or more in the last year. One in four workers said they consider their sick days to be equivalent to vacation days … Continue reading

Alternative Flu Remedies

Last week I thought I had the flu. Actually, I thought I had strep throat, but it turned out to be a severe cold, sore throat, and upset stomach (at least that’s what “Ask-A-Nurse” decided it was). Prior to calling the nurse (I was convinced it was the flu and diagnosed myself with such) I sought out treatments to combat the flu. Do you have any idea how many different products there are that claim to prevent and treat flu-like symptoms? Tons. Let me be clear, it’s never a good idea to self-diagnosis your maladies (that’s what doctors are for). … Continue reading

Have A Cold? Doctors Say Don’t Bring It To Their Offices

Have you had your first cold of the season? Our entire family was sick this week. No question about it—cold season is here. But, if you are like me and you call your doctor to get something stronger than over the counter meds because you “can’t afford to be sick,” (it’s the line I used) don’t be surprised if the receptionist tells you that you are better off at home. It happened to me and apparently, I’m not alone. Some physicians don’t want cold sufferers to rush into their offices with a cold that can be cured at home. In … Continue reading

Hotels–How Clean Are They?

I love to travel… but I hate to pack. I enjoy flying… but I dread the boarding process. And, I treasure staying at hotels… as long as they are clean. I have touched on the issue of hotel cleanliness in prior blogs, but this new finding warrants additional coverage. A new study, released just a couple of days ago, reveals that many hotel rooms are havens for germs. Initially, I wasn’t that surprised. After all, I saw the “20/20” investigation on filthy hotel mattresses and unsanitary bedspreads (by the way, experts did conclude that on items like bedspreads, cloth dries … Continue reading

Special Songs For Special Kids

Imagine you are nine years old and suffering from leukemia… life is dismal to say the least. Then out of the blue you receive a surprise from your favorite singer–a heart-rending tune written especially for you. Talk about a dream come true. For Ashley Abernathy the dream was made reality by rock star David Lee Roth. The former Van Halen frontman wrote and recorded the song for Abernathy nearly six years ago. “It was just amazing, really cool, to think that a rock star would’ve recorded a song for me,” said Abernathy who is now 15 and beginning her sophomore … Continue reading

Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer with Steamguard Technology

I remember, as I’m sure some of you do, having Vicks Vaporub rubbed on my chest and back when I had a cold or flu. It always made me feel better, breath better, and sleep better. Now I use it on my daughters when they are sick, and they also love the soothing and comforting vapors. Vicks wonderful product just transformed into something even better. They have launched their new, innovative product, Vicks Warm Steam Vaporizer with Steamguard Technology. So, what the heck is that? It sounds nice, but let me show you some of the great features of this … Continue reading

10 Steps to Protect Your Newborn from Illness

Signs of Illness in a Newborn: Does your baby look different? Has your baby’s skin lost color, or is it rosy? Are there any rashes? Does your baby have a fever? Any of these changes could indicate illness. If you notice any of them, or other worrisome changes in your baby, call your baby’s medical professional. Has your baby been acting unusual? Is your baby crying more often than usual? Is your baby more short-tempered than usual? Is your baby sleeping more or less than usual? Does your baby seem worn-out? Has your baby’s eating habits or stools changed? Has … Continue reading

How I Learned my Son has Juvenile Diabetes: Garrett’s Story

Garrett, about a year after his diagnosis It started with a passing thought that my son seemed rather thin. Garrett had just turned seven, and had always been a slender, active child. But as he was coming out of the bath one evening, his shoulder blades stuck out noticeably. A few days later, a friend commented, “Wow, he’s a really skinny kid, isn’t he?” I started making a conscious effort to be sure he ate his dinner and had plenty of helpings of dessert. But it didn’t make an obvious difference. Still, despite his low weight, he was happy, playful, … Continue reading