Patterns in the Bible

Don’t you love the way certain themes and ideas crop up again and again in the bible? Take the story of David and Goliath and the life of Jesus. Here are some of the similarities. It was 40 days that the Giant Goliath taunted the Israelites, 1 Samuel 17:16. Interestingly that is the same number of days that Satan tempted Jesus in the desert, Matthew 4:1-2. The taunts of Goliath and temptations of Satan have a certain similarity too. Goliath insisted that Israel prove themselves and in a sense their God, by sending their champion to fight against him 1 … Continue reading

Which Child is Most Like You?

Every once in a while a friend or family member will ask me which of my three children do I think is most like me? It is always a tough question and I probably answer it differently every time. While all three of my kids have little snippets of their personalities that are similar to me, they are also very much their own people and they have been through so many different phases and stages that it is hard to pin down. The one who I thought was most like me ten years ago, is not necessarily the one who … Continue reading

Communication Breakdown? It Might Be That You are TOO MUCH Alike

Similarities with our kids can be wonderful—there is nothing like recognizing some of your most cherished personal qualities in your child and seeing how he or she takes after you. But, the thing is, they don’t just get our most cherished and best-liked personal qualities, sometimes they inherit or take on some of those things about ourselves which we aren’t too pleased with. This is where I think we can run into communication problems with our children. It isn’t always that we are so different we can’t see each other’s point of view, but sometimes, we are so much alike … Continue reading

Nurture vs. Nature Debate

The age old debate of nurture vs. nature was about to play an important part in my life. In fact, it became such a big part of defining who I was, that I spent countless hours researching it. Really, I didn’t have to research far. I was living it. I was the product of both a nurturing mother, and a mother by nature. So which one is the scientific way? I really believe it depends on the person, but for me – it was most definitely nature. Without going into great detail, it might be harder for me to convey … Continue reading

Sisters and Similarities

The story continues basically with my relationship with my brother developing into a pretty sturdy bond for awhile. It was only a few weeks down the road when I finally got my first contact with biological sister, Renee. She was only thirteen years old at the time we first had contact. She was living with foster parents, whom she seemed to adore, and whom I was rather fond of as well. It was wonderful getting to know her and essentially from a distance, watch her grow up. She sent me photographs the first time she sent me a letter. And … Continue reading