Changes: My Child First

Child support finally caught up with Jonathan’s dad. They took all of his money out of his savings. Not that it was that much, but it was something, and it was all his dad had at this point since he hasn’t worked for a year. His dad called me, gave me a sob story, asked if he sent child support every month, would I be willing to send it back so he could get back on his feet. That way he wasn’t accruing a debt with child support. He told me child support collections didn’t care about the person paying … Continue reading

Single Parents and Father’s Day

So, this is a little late getting posted, but I wanted to get it out there. Happy Father’s Day to all those full time single dads taking care of their own, to all the single dad’s who share the parenting responsibility with their children’s moms, to the not single dads, to the moms that take on the role of father and mother, and all the males out there who are a role model in one way or another to the children in their lives. Father’s Day isn’t celebrated in the “normal” sense around here. We aren’t a traditional family. Jonathan’s … Continue reading

Travels as a Single Parent

I’ve been gone since May 31st visiting my niece at Craig Hospital in Colorado, thus the lack of post, and my apologies for that. This is the first time I’ve actually “traveled” since I had my son. I’ve gone to visit friends a state away, and relatives a state or two away always driving there, but not actually traveling. Let me tell you, traveling, especially as a single parent, is not the same. It is not always easy, but it can be enjoyable. I went on two vacations before I had my son. Once to Los Angeles, CA., and once … Continue reading

Single Parent Travels: Set Expectations

My son is usually a pretty well behaved child. Now I’m not saying that he doesn’t have his moments, because he does. He can get loud and obnoxious, or over excited and rambunctious, lippy and rude; however, that is not he norm. I can usually tell how he will behave on any given day by three things. First, how much sleep he got the night before; second, how he reacts when I wake him up; and third, how he behaves in the first 10 to 15 minutes. Due to the reasons for our travels, where we were going, the stress … Continue reading

Single Parenting Perks

I agree with Kori when she says being a single parent isn’t easy; I also agree that there are a lot of things about being a single parent that make up for it. I just wanted to add a few things to her list that I love about being a single parent. I like that I get to make all of our decisions. I don’t have to check with someone when I make a decision about my son or us as a family. I have family and friends that I can talk it over with and bounce ideas off of, … Continue reading

Changes as a Single Parent

When I realized that I was going to be a single parent, I can not tell you all of the thoughts, emotions, and changes that were taking place or in the process of taking place. Not only could I not tell you because there were so many, but also because I wasn’t even aware of them all right away. I am still not aware of them all, and discovering new things all the time. Physical changes were probably the most obvious of course. After all, I didn’t even find out I was pregnant until I was four months along. I … Continue reading

Single Parents and Emergencies

On April 1st, 2007 we were visiting my sister in southern Minnesota, when I received a call from another one of my sisters who lives in Western Wisconsin. It was the call that every family dreads. My niece was stuck by a drunk driver in an SUV while she was walking to visit a friend. My blood ran cold, and I immediately became sick to my stomach. As I state in my profile, family is very important to me, but that doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel for Tiffany and her brothers and sister. I was their nanny … Continue reading

Single Parents, Summer and Community

Kori touched on something in “Summer and the Single Parent” that I think needs to have more information added to it. She of course mentioned tapping you support system in the summer, which I completely agree with. She also mentioned community. Community to me is important, though it isn’t important for everyone in my community, nor is it important to a lot of communities now a days. Communities are growing further and further apart for a lot of reasons, but I digress. Most, if not all, communities offer activities for their community members to be a part of. There are … Continue reading

I’m Not Sorry, I’m Thankful

I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard “I’m sorry,” when someone has found that I’m a single parent. Well, I’m not sorry. It was disappointing that things didn’t turn out as I had envisioned them, but I don’t regret the decisions I have made. I don’t feel sorry for myself or my situation and neither should anyone else. No singe parent should feel that way. What should happen is for them to rise to the occasion, and better themselves from it. Some wonderful things have come from my situation and I am thankful for them. I have never … Continue reading

Valentines Night for the Single Parent

I went through the day and what it would consist of for my son and I. I told you all about how I make it his day and about him. What should you do now that your children are in bed? Now that you’ve spent the day with the one(s) you love, it’s time to spend it with the one you didn’t. Yourself. There are so many people I could quote about loving yourself, but I won’t, because I’m sure you’ve heard them all. That doesn’t mean, however, that it isn’t true. You need to love yourself. You need to … Continue reading